Java Program to Display Current Date and Time

In the previous article, we have discussed about Java Program to Display Current Month in the (MMM) Format

In this article we are going to see how to display current date and time in Java along with suitable examples.

Java Program to Display Current Date and Time

Let’s see the program


The java.util.Formatter class provides inbuild “.format()” methods to format the hour and minute in java.

The java.util.Calendar class provides an inbuild method “.getInstance()” method to get the instant date-time-month from the system calendar Where %tc represent current date and time.


  • Create object of Formatter as ‘f’
  • Declare a variable ‘cal’ of type Calendar and initialize it to get the system date-time using Calendar.getInstance() method.
  • Using inbuild method of formatter class .format(“%tl:%tM”, calendar, calendar) we can get the current time in hour minute format.
  • Print the result.


import java.util.*;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create object of Formatter as ‘f’
      	Formatter f = new Formatter();
        // Declare a variable ‘cal’ of type Calendar 
        //and initialize it to get the system date-time using Calender.getInstance() method
     	Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        // using inbuild method of formatter class .format("%tc", cal) we can get the current date and time format
     	f.format("%tc", cal);
        //print the result
      	System.out.println("The current date and time is: "+f);

The current date and time is: Sun Jun 26 07:39:14 GMT 2022



  • Create an object of Date class which takes the system date and time.
  • Print the result using inbuild method of Date class as ‘date.toString()’ to get the current date and time.


import java.util.*;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create an object of Date class which takes the system date and time
        Date date = new Date();
        //Print the result using inbuild method of Date class as ‘date.toString()’ to get the current date and time.
      	System.out.println("The current date and time is: "+date.toString());

The current date and time is: Sun Jun 26 07:43:18 GMT 2022

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