In the previous article, we have discussed Java Program to Check Emirp Number
In this article we are going to understand what Sphenic number, Sphenic number list, Sphenic number in c is and how we can check whether a number is Sphenic number or not in Java with examples and mischievous numbers program in java.
Also Read: Java Program to Check Autobiographical Number
Program to Check Sphenic Number
Sphenic numbers are numbers which have exactly 3 factors, all prime. A Sphenic number has exactly 8 divisors.
Example : 30: 2*3*5, Sphenic number 66: 2*3*11, Sphenic number 15: 3*5, Not a Sphenic number
In the above examples the numbers 30 and 66 are Sphenic numbers as they both have 3 prime factors exactly. However 15 is not a Sphenic number.
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Approach :
- We ask the user to enter/declare a number and store it.
- We check whether the number has 8 divisors or not and store them.
- Then we check if the first three divisors are prime or not.
- If they are prime then the number is a Sphenic Number.
Method-1: Java Program to Check Sphenic Number By Using Static Value
import java.util.*; public class SphenicNumber { // Creating a boolean array acessible to all functions static boolean arr[] = new boolean[10000]; public static void main(String args[]) { //A number declared; int num = 30; Prime(); if(sphenicCheck(num)) { System.out.println(num+" is a Sphenic number"); } else { System.out.println(num+" is Not a Sphenic number"); } } static void Prime() { // Filling the boolean array with all values set to true Arrays.fill(arr,true); for(int i = 2; i*i<10000; i++) { if(arr[i]) { //Marking all multiples of i as non prime for(int j = i*2; j<10000; j= j+i) arr[j] = false; } } } //method to check sphenic number static boolean sphenicCheck(int num) { int arr1[] = new int[8]; int count=0, j = 0,i; for(i =1; i<=num;i++) { // Counts the number of divisors if(num%i==0 && count< 8) { count++; arr1[j++]=i; } } // Returns if the number is Sphenic or not if(count==8 && (arr[arr1[1]] && arr[arr1[2]] && arr[arr1[3]])) return true; else return false; } }
Output: 30 is a Sphenic number
Method-2: Java Program to Check Sphenic Number By Using User Input Value
import java.util.*; public class SphenicNumber { // Creating a boolean array acessible to all functions static boolean arr[] = new boolean[10000]; public static void main(String args[]) { //Taking the number as input from the user using scanner class Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a number : "); int num = scan.nextInt(); Prime(); if(sphenicCheck(num)) { System.out.println(num+" is a Sphenic number"); } else { System.out.println(num+" is Not a Sphenic number"); } } static void Prime() { // Filling the boolean array with all values set to true Arrays.fill(arr,true); for(int i = 2; i*i<10000; i++) { if(arr[i]) { //Marking all multiples of i as non prime for(int j = i*2; j<10000; j= j+i) arr[j] = false; } } } //method to check sphenic number static boolean sphenicCheck(int num) { int arr1[] = new int[8]; int count=0, j = 0,i; for(i =1; i<=num;i++) { // Counts the number of divisors if(num%i==0 && count< 8) { count++; arr1[j++]=i; } } // Returns if the number is Sphenic or not if(count==8 && (arr[arr1[1]] && arr[arr1[2]] && arr[arr1[3]])) return true; else return false; } }
Output: Case-1 Enter a number : 30 30 is Not a Sphenic number Case-2 Enter a number : 23 23 is Not a Sphenic number
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- What is sphenic number c?
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