Java program to add two numbers – Java Program to Add Two Numbers

Java program to add two numbers: Guys who are serious about learning the concepts of the java programming language should practice this list of programs in java and get a good grip on it for better results in exams or interviews.

Java Program to Add Two Numbers

  • Java program to find sum of two numbers.
  • Write a java program to add two numbers and print it on screen.

To add two numbers in a java program, we will first take two integers as input from user using Scanner and store them in a integer variable num1 and num2. Then we add num1 and num2 using + arithmetic operator and store it in integer variable “sum”. Finally, we print the sum of two given integers on screen.

Java Program to Find Sum of Two Numbers

Java Program to Find Sum of Two Numbers

import java.util.*;
 * Java Program to find sum of two numbers
public class SumTwoNumbers {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1, num2, sum;
        Scanner scanner;
        scanner = new Scanner(;
        // Take two integer input from user and
        // store it in variable num1 and num2
        System.out.println("Enter First Number");
        num1 = scanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter Second Number");
        num2 = scanner.nextInt();
        // Add two numbers using + operator
        sum = num1 + num2;
        System.out.println("Sum of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " = " + sum);


Enter First Number
Enter Second Number
Sum of 5 and 7 = 12

Java Programs to Find Sum of Two Numbers using Function

This Java program is similar to above program except here we are using a user defined function getSum to calculate the sum of two integers. The function getSum takes two integer arguments and returns the sum of both input parameters.
Java Programs to Find Sum of Two Numbers using Function

import java.util.*;
 * Java Program to find sum of two numbers using function
public class SumTwoNumbersFunction {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1, num2, sum;
        Scanner scanner;
        scanner = new Scanner(;
        // Take two integer input from user and
        // store it in variable num1 and num2
        System.out.println("Enter First Number");
        num1 = scanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter Second Number");
        num2 = scanner.nextInt();
         * Call getSum by passing num1 and num2 as parameter
        sum = getSum(num1, num2);
        System.out.println("Sum of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " = " + sum);
     * Function to add two numbers
    public static int getSum(int num1, int num2) {
        int sum;
        sum = num1 + num2;
        return sum;


Enter First Number
Enter Second Number
Sum of 9 and 12 = 21