Java matrix operations: In the previous article, we have discussed Java Program to find Multiplication of Diagonal Elements of a Matrix
In this article we are going to see how we can write a menu driven program to perform basic operations on two matrices in JAVA language. Along with that addition of two matrix in java, matrix operation in java, java program for matrix addition, Switch Case Menu Driven Program In Java by using java program.
Recommended Reading On: Java Program to find Multiplication of Diagonal Elements of a Matrix
Menu Driven Program to Perform Basic Operations on Two Matrices
Matrix addition java: A 3*3 Matrix is having 3 rows and 3 columns where this 3*3 represents the dimension of the matrix. Means there are 3*3 i.e. total 9 elements in a 3*3 Matrix. Addition of matrix in java
Let’s understand it in more simpler way.
| A00 A01 A02 | Matrix A = | A10 A11 A12 | | A20 A21 A22 | 3*3
Matrix A
represents a 3*3 matrix.- ‘
‘ represents the matrix element - ‘
‘ represents the matrix element at it’s matrix position/index. - ‘
‘ represents the row index - ‘
‘ represents the column index - Means
and like this. - Here we have started
value from 0 andcolumn
value from 0.
- Initialize an array of size 3×3 with values.
- Show the array to the user.
- Ask the user to pick a function from the menu, and then accordingly use a switch case to run that function.
- Print the output after function executions.
import java.util.Scanner; public class matrix{ public static void main(String args[]) { //Scanner class to take input Scanner scan = new Scanner(; int row, col; int mat1[][] = new int[3][3]; int mat2[][] = new int[3][3]; //Entering first matrix System.out.println("Enter the 3x3 matrix elements for 1st matrix : "); // Loop to take array elements as user input for first matrixn i.e mat1 for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) mat1[row][col] = scan.nextInt(); //print the elements of first matrix i.e mat1 System.out.print("1st matrix : "); for(row=0;row<3;row++) { // Used for formatting System.out.print("\n"); for(col=0;col<3;col++) { System.out.print(mat1[row][col]+" "); } } //Entering second matrix System.out.println("\nEnter the 3x3 matrix elements for 2nd matrix : "); // Loop to take array elements as user input for second matrix for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) mat2[row][col] = scan.nextInt(); //print the elements of second matrix i.e mat2 System.out.print("2nd matrix : "); for(row=0;row<3;row++) { // Used for formatting System.out.print("\n"); for(col=0;col<3;col++) { System.out.print(mat2[row][col]+" "); } } int res[][] = new int[3][3], operationHolder = 0; int choice ; while(true) { //Prints the menu to choose operation from System.out.println("\n\nBASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS"); System.out.println("_______________________"); System.out.println("1. Addition of two matrices"); System.out.println("2. Subtraction of two matrices"); System.out.println("3. Multiplication of two matrices"); System.out.println("4. Transpose"); System.out.println("5. Exit"); System.out.println("_______________________"); System.out.println("Enter your choice : "); choice = scan.nextInt(); // Switch cases to run the menu switch(choice) { case 1: res = add(mat1,mat2); System.out.println("After add operation"); printMatrix(res); break; case 2: res = sub(mat1,mat2); System.out.println("After subtract operation"); printMatrix(res); break; case 3: res = prod(mat1,mat2); System.out.println("After multiply operation"); printMatrix(res); break; case 4: res = trans(mat1); System.out.println("After transpose operation"); printMatrix(res); break; case 5: System.out.println("Exited from the program"); return; default: System.out.println("Wrong input, please try again!!"); } } } // Function to print the matrix static void printMatrix(int arr[][]) { int row, col; System.out.print("The array elements are : "); // Loop to print the elements for(row=0;row<3;row++) { // Used for formatting System.out.print("\n"); for(col=0;col<3;col++) { System.out.print(arr[row][col]+" "); } } } // Function to calculate the sum static int[][] add(int[][] mat1,int[][] mat2) { int row, col, add[][] = new int[3][3]; for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) add[row][col] = mat1[row][col]+mat2[row][col]; return add; } // Function to calculate the difference static int[][] sub(int[][] mat1,int[][] mat2) { int row, col, sub[][] = new int[3][3]; for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) sub[row][col] = mat1[row][col]-mat2[row][col]; return sub; } // Function to calculate the product static int[][] prod(int[][] mat1,int[][] mat2) { int row, col, prod[][] = new int[3][3]; for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) { // Initializes the array element to zero first prod[row][col] = 0; for(int i = 0; i<3; i++) prod[row][col]+=mat1[row][i]*mat2[i][col]; } return prod; } // Function to find the transpose static int[][] trans(int[][] mat) { int row, col, trans[][] = new int[3][3]; for(row=0;row<3;row++) for(col=0;col<3;col++) trans[row][col] = mat[col][row]; return trans; } }
Output: Enter the 3x3 matrix elements for 1st matrix : 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1st matrix : 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Enter the 3x3 matrix elements for 2nd matrix : 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2nd matrix : 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS _______________________ 1. Addition of two matrices 2. Subtraction of two matrices 3. Multiplication of two matrices 4. Transpose 5. Exit _______________________ Enter your choice : 1 After add operation The array elements are : 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS _______________________ 1. Addition of two matrices 2. Subtraction of two matrices 3. Multiplication of two matrices 4. Transpose 5. Exit _______________________ Enter your choice : 2 After subtract operation The array elements are : -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS _______________________ 1. Addition of two matrices 2. Subtraction of two matrices 3. Multiplication of two matrices 4. Transpose 5. Exit _______________________ Enter your choice : 3 After multiply operation The array elements are : 6 6 6 9 6 9 6 6 6 BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS _______________________ 1. Addition of two matrices 2. Subtraction of two matrices 3. Multiplication of two matrices 4. Transpose 5. Exit _______________________ Enter your choice : 4 After transpose operation The array elements are : 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 BASIC MATRIX OPERATIONS _______________________ 1. Addition of two matrices 2. Subtraction of two matrices 3. Multiplication of two matrices 4. Transpose 5. Exit _______________________ Enter your choice : 5 Exited from the program
Provided list of Simple Java Programs is specially designed for freshers and beginners to get familiarize with the concepts of Java programming language and become pro in coding.
Solve this:
- Write A Menu Driven Program To Perform The Following Operations On Multidimensional Array Ie Matrix : I. Addition Ii. Multiplication Iii. Transpose Of Any Matrix. Iv. Exit.
- Write A Menu Driven Program To Perform The Following Operations On Multidimensional Array In Matrix?
- Write A Menu Driven Program For Performing Matrix Addition Multiplication And Finding The Transpose?
- Write A Menu Driven Program In Java?
- Write A Program To Perform Various Matrix Operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose Using Switch-Case Statement?
- Java program for matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication using switch case.
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