Shortcuts in intellij – IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts | List of All Shortcut Keys for IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts: IntelliJ IDEA is a unique Java platform that is often used for the purpose of developing various computer software. Developed by the renowned JetBrains, you can use this program across various operating systems, like Windows or Linux. If you are a new programmer, feel free to use this program because the ease of its use is unbeatable.

Do you know that you can also use this program for languages other than Java as well? Yes, you can use IntelliJ IDEA for JPQL, SQL and even HTML. So you must be intrigued to know that there are various keyboard shortcuts that you can use so that your program experience is even smoother. There are lots of keyboard shortcuts for IntelliJ IDEA that are related to its navigation, debugging, editing or refactoring features. If you memorize these hotkeys, it will no doubt save you lots of time and make you more productive!

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts

Choosing The Right Keymap

Shortcuts in intellij: Choosing a proper keymap is quite crucial, and automatically IntelliJ IDEA suggests a keymap that I based on your computer environment. You must make sure before finalizing the keymap that the suggestion from IntelliJ IDEA matches your operating system. If it doesn’t match, then you have to use some other editor or IDE that actually suits your operating system.

You will always be able to modify any previous copy of the predefined keymap. This allows you to assign your own set of shortcuts for all the frequently used commands. The predefined keymaps are given below:

  1. Visual Studio or Visual Studio for macOS: The Visual Studio keymap is a perfect recommendation for you if you are a fresh starter and have no previous experience with any other IDEs. You can also use this keymap if you are accustomed to using the plain version of Visual Studio.
  2. IntelliJ (macOS): IntelliJ macOS is highly recommended for you if you have any earlier experience with the IntelliJ IDEA platform or any other platform of a similar type from JetBrains.
  3. ReSharper (macOS) or Resharper: The ReSharper keymap is a recommendation for you if you are familiar with Visual Studio.

Learning The Shortcuts

Intellij idea shortcuts: Given below are the most commonly used shortcuts in the IntelliJ IDEA platform:

IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Shortcut Action Explanation
Double Shift Search Everywhere Quickly find a file, or any action, tool window, symbol. It is also applicable to find any setting in
IntelliJ IDEA platform, or in your current project, and also in the current Git repository.
Alt+Enter Show Context Actions It is a quick fix for any highlighted errors or warnings.
It is also a useful fix for any intention action
for the purpose of improving and optimizing any code.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Complete Current Statement Used for inserting any necessary trailing symbols.
The symbol, after being inserted is put in the caret where you can start typing the next statement.
Ctrl+Shift+A Find Action To find any command and successfully execute it
or to open a tool window
or to search for any particular setting.
F2 Navigate between code issues
Shift+F2 Jump to the next or previously highlighted error.
Ctrl+Alt+L Reformat Code Reformat the entire file or any selected fragment of the file
following the current style settings of the code.
Alt+1 Focus the Project tool window
Escape Focus the editor
Ctrl+W Extend or shrink selection
Ctrl+Shift+W Increase or decrease the scope of selection according to specific code constructs.
Alt+F7 Find Usages It shows all the places where you have used any code element in your project.
Ctrl+/ Add/remove line or block comment It is used to select or reopen a recently opened file, from the folders in the list.
Ctrl+Shift+/ Comment out a line or block of code. It is used to refactor any given element under the caret.
For an example,copy, safe delete, rename, move, and many others.
Ctrl+B Go To Declaration Used to navigate to the initial or first declaration
of the instantiated class, which is called method (also field).
Ctrl+E View recent files
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Invoke refactoring

IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Using The Advanced Features

Apart from the keyboard shortcuts given above, there are certainly other useful features which are for advanced programmers. These are as follows:

  • Refactor: Crl+Alt+Shift+T
  • VCS Operation: Alt+
  • Vertical tool resize: Ctrl+Shift+Left or Ctrl+Shift+Right
  • Horizontal tool resize: Ctrl+Shift+Up or Ctrl+Shift+Down

Comparison Of Keyboard Shortcuts Between Various Keymaps

Shortcuts for general operations:

Command Visual Studio ReSharper IntelliJ
Searching Everywhere Double Shift Double Shift Double Shift
Find Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A
Refactor Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T
Open File or Folder Ctrl+O Ctrl+O N/A
Show Intention Actions Alt+Enter Alt+Enter Alt+Enter
Settings Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+Alt+S
Recent Files Ctrl+Comma Ctrl+E Ctrl+E
Code Cleanup Ctrl+E, C Ctrl+Alt+F N/A
Select Alt+F1 Alt+F1 Alt+F1
View Breakpoints Ctrl+Alt+B Ctrl+Shift+F8 Ctrl+Shift+F8
Generate Alt+Insert Alt+Insert Alt+Insert
Build A Solution Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+F9
Debug Alt+Shift+F9 Alt+Shift+F9 Alt+Shift+F9
Open a Solution or previous Project Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O
Attach Process Ctrl+Alt+P Ctrl+Alt+F5 Ctrl+Alt+F5
Reformat Code Ctrl+Alt+Enter Ctrl+Alt+L Ctrl+Alt+L
Inspect Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A
Find Usages Shift+F12 Alt+F7 Alt+F7
Navigate Alt+` Ctrl+Shift+G Ctrl+Shift+G
VCS Operations Popup Ctrl+Alt+Q Alt+` Alt+`

Comparison Of Keyboard Shortcuts Between Various Keymaps

Shortcuts for Basic Editing

Command Visual Studio ReSharper IntelliJ
Cut Ctrl+X Ctrl+X Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C Ctrl+C Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V Ctrl+V Ctrl+V
Paste as Plain Text Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V
Paste from History… Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+Shift+V
Duplicate Line or Selection Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Ctrl+D
Open source in new window Shift+F4 Shift+F4 Shift+F4
Copy Paths Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C
Copy Reference Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C
Save All Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+S
Delete Line Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Y
Scratch File Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert
Indent Selection Tab Tab Tab
Unindent Line or Selection Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
Start New Line Shift+Enter Shift+Enter Shift+Enter
Start New Line Before Current Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Toggle Case Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U
Undo Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Shift+Z

Shortcuts for Navigating the Content

Command Visual Studio ReSharper IntelliJ
Previous Method Alt+Up Alt+Up Alt+Up
Next Method Alt+Down Alt+Down Alt+Down
Go to Line/Column… Ctrl+G Ctrl+G Ctrl+G
Switcher Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab
Select In… Alt+F1 Alt+F1 Alt+F1
Locate/Select in Solution View Alt+Shift+L Alt+Shift+L N/A
Show Bookmarks Ctrl+` Ctrl+` Shift+F11
Forward Ctrl+Shift+Minus Ctrl+Shift+Minus Ctrl+Alt+Right
Last Edit Location Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Ctrl+Shift+Backspace
Back Ctrl+Minus Ctrl+Minus Ctrl+Alt+Left
Select Next Tab Alt+Right Alt+Right Alt+Right
Select Previous Tab Alt+Left Alt+Left Alt+Left
Add to Favorites Alt+Shift+F Alt+Shift+F Alt+Shift+F
Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic Ctrl+F11 N/A Ctrl+F11
Toggle Bookmark Ctrl+K, K N/A F11
Recent Files Ctrl+Comma Ctrl+E Ctrl+E
Recently Changed Files Ctrl+Shift+Comma Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Backspace N/A
Show Favorites window Alt+2 Alt+2 Alt+2
Show Structure window Ctrl+Alt+F Ctrl+F11 Alt+7
Show Find window Alt+3 Alt+3 Alt+3

Shortcuts for Navigating the Content

Shortcuts for Caret Options

Command Visual Studio ReSharper IntelliJ
Move Caret to Previous Word Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Left
Move Caret to Next Word Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Right
Move Caret to Line Start Home Home Home
Move Caret to Line End End End End
Containing Declaration Ctrl+[ Ctrl+[ Alt+Shift+[
Next Method Alt+Down Alt+Down Alt+Down
Previous Method Alt+Up Alt+Up Alt+Up
Move Caret to Page Top Ctrl+Page Up Ctrl+Page Up Ctrl+Page Up
Move Caret to Page Bottom Ctrl+Page Down Ctrl+Page Down Ctrl+Page Down
Move Caret to Text Start Ctrl+Home Ctrl+Home Ctrl+Home
Move Caret to Text End Ctrl+End Ctrl+End Ctrl+End
Extend Selection Ctrl+Alt+Right Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
Clone Caret Above Double Ctrl + Up Double Ctrl + Up Double Ctrl + Up
Clone Caret Below Double Ctrl + Down Double Ctrl + Down Double Ctrl + Down
Clone Caret Above with Virtual Space Alt+Shift+Up Alt+Shift+Up N/A
Clone Caret Below with Virtual Space Alt+Shift+Down Alt+Shift+Down N/A
Move Caret to Matching Brace Ctrl+] Ctrl+] Ctrl+Shift+M
Move Caret to Code Block Start Alt+Shift+[ Alt+Shift+[ Ctrl+[
Move Caret to Code Block End Alt+Shift+] Alt+Shift+] Ctrl+]
Move Caret to Previous Word with Selection Ctrl+Shift+Left Ctrl+Shift+Left Ctrl+Shift+Left
Move Caret to Next Word with Selection Ctrl+Shift+Right Ctrl+Shift+Right Ctrl+Shift+Right
Move Caret to Line Start with Selection Shift+Home Shift+Home Shift+Home
Move Caret to Line End with Selection Shift+End Shift+End Shift+End
Up with Selection Shift+Up Shift+Up Shift+Up
Down with Selection Shift+Down Shift+Down Shift+Down
Select Containing Declaration Ctrl+Shift+[ Ctrl+Shift+[ Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[
Move Caret to Code Block Start with Selection Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[ Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[ Ctrl+Shift+[
Move Caret to Code Block End with Selection Ctrl+Alt+Shift+] Ctrl+Alt+Shift+] Ctrl+Shift+]
Move Caret to Page Top with Selection Ctrl+Shift+Page Up Ctrl+Shift+Page Up Ctrl+Shift+Page Up
Move Caret to Page Bottom with Selection Ctrl+Shift+Page Down Ctrl+Shift+Page Down Ctrl+Shift+Page Down
Page Up with Selection Shift+Page Up Shift+Page Up Shift+Page Up
Page Down with Selection Shift+Page Down Shift+Page Down Shift+Page Down
Move Caret to Text Start with Selection Ctrl+Shift+Home Ctrl+Shift+Home Ctrl+Shift+Home
Move Caret to Text End with Selection Ctrl+Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+End
Shrink Selection Ctrl+Alt+Left Ctrl+Shift+W Ctrl+Shift+W
Page Up Page Up Page Up Page Up
Page Down Page Down Page Down Page Down
Select All Ctrl+A Ctrl+A Ctrl+A
Left with Selection Shift+Left Shift+Left Shift+Left
Right with Selection Shift+Right Shift+Right Shift+Right
Add/Remove Caret Alt+Shift+Click Alt+Shift+Click Alt+Shift+Click
Toggle Column Selection Mode Alt+Shift+Insert Alt+Shift+Insert Alt+Shift+Insert
Add Caret to Each Line in Selection Alt+Shift+G Alt+Shift+G Alt+Shift+G
Add Selection for Next Occurrence Alt+Shift+. Alt+Shift+. Alt+J

Conclusion on IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are highly beneficial to learn, as you can see. It hardly takes five to ten minutes to memorize them, yet stays for a lifetime. It will no doubt save you lengths of time and make you tech-savvy. We hope we have been of help to you!