C++ map erase – How to Print Reverse Tuple in Python?

C++ map erase: Tuples are data structures in Python that allow elements of multiple data types to be surrounded in parenthesis.

For Example: (10, 30, “btechgeeks”, 40)

Printing Reverse Tuple in Python

There are many methods to reverse a tuple. Let us now see them one by one:

Method #1: Reversing the tuple using Slicing


  • Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
  • Print the given tuple.
  • Reverse the given tuple using slicing and print the result.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
gvn_tupl = (10, 30, "btechgeeks", 40)
# Print the given tuple.
print("The given tuple is:\n", gvn_tupl)
# Reverse the given tuple using slicing and print the result
print("The Reversed tuple is:")


The given tuple is:
(10, 30, 'btechgeeks', 40)

The Reversed tuple is:
(40, 'btechgeeks', 30, 10)

Method #2: Reversing the tuple using reversed() Method


  • Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
  • Print the given tuple.
  • Reverse the given tuple using the reversed() method and store it in another variable
  • Print the Reversed tuple.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
gvn_tupl = (10, 30, "btechgeeks", 40)
# Print the given tuple.
print("The given tuple is:\n", gvn_tupl)
# Reverse the given tuple using the reversed() method and store it in another variable
reverse_tupl = tuple(reversed(gvn_tupl))
# Print the Reversed tuple 
print("The Reversed tuple is:")


The given tuple is:
(10, 30, 'btechgeeks', 40)

The Reversed tuple is:
(40, 'btechgeeks', 30, 10)

Method #3: Reversing the tuple using the For Loop


  • Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
  • Print the given tuple.
  • Take a variable and initialize it with a new empty tuple
  • Iterate in the given tuple in reverse order using the for loop
  • Append each element of the given tuple to the above created new tuple
  • Print the Reversed tuple.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Give the tuple as static input and store it in a variable
gvn_tupl = (10, 30, "btechgeeks", 40)
# Print the given tuple.
print("The given tuple is:\n", gvn_tupl)

# Take a variable and initialize it with a new empty tuple
rev_tupl = ()
# Iterate in the given tuple in reverse order using the for loop
for itr in range(len(gvn_tupl)-1, -1, -1):
  # Append each element of the given tuple to the above created new tuple  
  rev_tupl = rev_tupl + (gvn_tupl[itr],)
# Print the Reversed tuple 
print("The Reversed tuple is:")


The given tuple is:
(10, 30, 'btechgeeks', 40)

The Reversed tuple is:
(40, 'btechgeeks', 30, 10)