Excel Shortcut Keys | A List of Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys With Images

Excel Shortcut Keys: You’ll be somewhat less productive and efficient if you utilize the mouse pointer to do all tasks.

Even when you’re proficient in Microsoft Excel, the abundance and diversity of keyboard shortcuts readily accessible to accelerate your work and make everything easier may come as a surprise to you.

Shortcut Keys will save you time and enable you actually complete those excel spreadsheets way faster.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Table of Content

Shortcut Keys for File

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl N ⌘ N Create New Workbook
Ctrl O ⌘ O Open Workbook
Ctrl S ⌘ S Save Workbook
F12 ⌘ ⇧ S Save as
Ctrl P ⌘ P Print file
Ctrl F2 The open print preview window
Ctrl W ⌘ W Close current Workbook

Short-cut Keys for Ribbon

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl F1 ⌘ ⌥ R Expand or collapse Ribbon
Alt Activate access Keys
Tab Tab Move to the next ribbon control
Space Space Activate or open selected control
Enter Return Confirm control change
F1 Get help on selected control

Short-cut Keys for General Program

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Alt F T ⌘ , Open options
F1 ⌘ / Open help
Ctrl Z ⌘ Z Undo the last action
Ctrl Y ⌘ Y Redo the last action
Ctrl C ⌘ C Copy selected cells
F4 ⌘ Y Repeat the last action
Ctrl X ⌘ X Cut selected cells
Ctrl V ⌘ V Paste content from the clipboard
Ctrl Alt V ⌘ ⌃ V Display the Paste Special dialog box
Ctrl F ⌘ F Display find and replace
Ctrl H ⌃ H Display find and replace, replace selected
Ctrl Shift F4 ⌘ ⇧ G Find the previous match
Shift F4 ⌘ G Find next match
Alt F1 Fn ⌥ F1 Create embedded chart

Excel Shortcut Keys 1

Short-cut Keys for Tables and Filters

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl T ⌃ T Insert table
Ctrl Shift L ⌘ ⇧ F Toggle Autofilter
Alt ↓ ⌥ ↓ Activate filter
Shift Space ⇧ Space Select table row
Ctrl Space ⌃ Space Select table column
CtrlA ⌘A Select table
AltC ⌥C Clear slicer filter
CtrlShiftT ⌘⇧T Toggle table total row

Excel Shortcut Keys 2

Short-cut Keys for Drag and Drop

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
drag drag Drag and cut
Ctrl drag ⌥ drag Drag and copy
Shift drag ⇧ drag Drag and insert
Ctrl Shift drag ⌥ ⇧ drag Drag and insert copy
Alt drag ⌘ drag Drag to worksheet
Ctrl drag ⌥ drag Drag to duplicate worksheet

Short-cut Keys for Navigation

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Move one cell right
Move one cell left
Move one cell up
Move one cell down
Alt PgDn Fn ⌥ ↓ Move one screen right
Alt PgUp Fn ⌥ ↑ Move one screen left
PgUp Fn ↑ Move one screen up
PgDn Fn ↓ Move one screen down
Ctrl → ⌃ → Move to the right edge of a data region
Ctrl ← ⌃ ← Move to the left edge of a data region
Ctrl ↑ ⌃ ↑ Move to the top edge of a data region
Ctrl ↓ ⌃ ↓ Move to the bottom edge of a data region
Home Fn ← Move to the beginning of row
Ctrl End Fn ⌃ → Move to the last cell in a worksheet
Ctrl Home Fn ⌃ ← Move to the first cell in a worksheet
End Fn → Turn End mode on
Ctrl G Enter ⌃ G Return Go back to the hyperlink

Short-cut Keys for Selection

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Shift Space ⇧ Space Select entire row
Ctrl Space ⌃ Space Select entire column
Ctrl A ⌘ A Select entire worksheet
Shift Click ⇧ Click Add adjacent cells to Selection
Ctrl Click ⌘ Click Add non-adjacent cells to Selection
⌥ Tab Same Selection in next column
⌥ ⇧ Tab Same Selection in the previous column
Ctrl Alt → ⌃ ⌥ → Move right between non-adjacent selections
Ctrl Alt ← ⌃ ⌥ ← Move left between non-adjacent selections
Fn ⇧ F8 Toggle add to selection mode
Esc Esc Cancel selection

Short-cut Keys for Active Cell

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Shift Backspace ⇧ Delete Select active cell only
Ctrl Backspace ⌘ Delete Show the active cell on a worksheet
Ctrl . ⌃ . Move active cell clockwise in Selection
Enter Return Move active cell down in Selection
Shift Enter ⇧ Return Move active cell up in Selection
Tab Tab Move active cell right in a selection
Shift Tab ⇧ Tab Move active cell left in a selection

Short-cut Keys for Active Cell

Short-cut Keys for Extend Selection

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Shift → ⇧ → Extend Selection by one cell right
Shift ↑

Shift ↑

⇧ ↑

⇧ ↑

Extend Selection by one cell up

Extend Selection by one cell up

Shift ↓ ⇧ ↓ Extend Selection by one cell down
Ctrl Shift → ⌃ ⇧ → Extend the Selection to the very end cell right
Ctrl Shif t← ⌃ ⇧ ← Extend the Selection to the last cell left
Ctrl Shift ↑ ⌃ ⇧ ↑ Extend the Selection to the very end cell up
⌃ ⇧ ↓ Ctrl Shift ↓ Extend the Selection to the very end cell down
Shift PgUp Fn ⇧ ↑ Extend Selection up one screen
Shift PgDn Fn ⇧ ↓ Extend Selection down one screen
Alt Shift PgDn Fn ⇧ ⌥ ↓ Extend Selection right one screen
Alt Shift PgUp Fn ⇧ ⌥ ↑ Extend Selection left one screen
Shift Home Fn ⇧ ← Extend Selection to start of a row
Ctrl Shift Home Fn ⌃ ⇧ ← Extend Selection to the first cell in a worksheet
Ctrl Shift End Fn ⌃ ⇧ → Extend Selection to last cell in a worksheet
F8 Fn F8 Toggle extend selection mode

Short-cut Keys for Select Special

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl G ⌃ G Display ‘Go To’ dialog box
Ctrl Shift O Fn ⌃ ⇧ O Select cells with comments
Ctrl Shift * ⇧ ⌃ Space Select current region around the active cell
Ctrl A ⌘ A Select current region
Ctrl / ⌃ / Select current array
Ctrl \ ⌃ \ Select row differences
Ctrl Shift | ⌃ ⇧ | Select column differences
Ctrl [ ⌃ [ Select direct precedents
Ctrl Shift { ⌃ ⇧ { Select all precedents
Ctrl ] ⌃ ] Select direct dependents
Ctrl Shift } ⌃ ⇧ } Select all dependents
Alt ; ⌘ ⇧ Z Select visible cells only

Short-cut Keys for Cell edit mode

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
F2 ⌃ U Edit the active cell
Shift F2 Fn ⇧ F2 Insert or edit comment
Esc Esc Cancel entry
Shift → ⇧ → Select one character right
Shift← ⇧← Select one character left
Ctrl→ ⌃→ Move one word right
Ctrl← ⌃← Move one word left
Ctrl Shift→ ⌃⇧→ Select one word right
Ctrl Shift← ⌃⇧← Select one word left
Shift Home Fn⇧← Select to the beginning of the cell
Shift End Fn⇧→ Select to end of a cell
Ctr lDelete ⌃Delete Delete to end of line
Backspace Delete Delete the character to the left side of the cursor
Delete Fn Delete Delete the character to the right side of the cursor
Alt Enter ⌃⌥Return Start a new line in the exactly same cell

Short-cut Keys for Entering data

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Enter Return Enter and move down
Shift Enter ⇧Return Enter and move up
Tab Tab Enter and move right
Shift Tab ⇧Tab Enter and move left
Ctrl Enter ⌃Return Complete the entry and also stay in the same cell
Ctrl Enter ⌃Return Enter same data in multiple cells
Ctrl; ⌃; Insert current date
Ctrl Shift: ⌘; Insert current time
Ctrl D ⌃D Fill down from cell above
Ctrl R ⌃R Fill right from cell left
Ctrl’ ⌃’ Copy formula from the cell above
Ctrl Shift” ⌃⇧” Copy value from the cell above
CtrlK ⌘K Add hyperlink
Alt↓ ⌥↓ Display AutoComplete list
CtrlE Flash fill

Short-cut Keys for Formatting

Excel Shortcuts Keys for
Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl1 ⌘1 Format (almost) anything
Ctrl Shift F ⌃⇧F Display Format Cells with Font tab selected
Ctrl B ⌘B Apply or remove bold Formatting
Ctrl I ⌘I Apply or remove italic Formatting
Ctrl U ⌘U Apply or remove underscoring
Ctrl5 ⌘⇧X Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
⌘⇧W Add or remove the shadow font style
⌘⇧D Add or remove the outline font style
Alt H A C ⌘E Align center
Alt H A L ⌘L Align left
Alt H A R ⌘R Align right
Alt H 6 ⌃⌥Tab Indent
Alt H 5 ⌃⌥⇧Tab Remove indent
Alt H F G ⌘⇧> Increase font size one step
Alt H F K ⌘⇧< Decrease font size one step

Short-cut Keys for Number Formatting

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl Shift~ ⌃⇧~ Apply general format
Ctrl Shift$ ⌃⇧$ Apply currency format
Ctrl Shift% ⌃⇧% Apply percentage format
Ctrl Shift^ ⌃⇧^ Apply scientific format
Ctrl Shift# ⌃⇧# Apply date format
Ctrl Shift@ ⌃⇧@ Apply time format
Ctrl Shift! ⌃⇧! Apply number format

Short-cut Keys for Borders

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
Ctrl Shift & ⌘⌥0 Add border outline
Alt R ⌘⌥→ Add or remove border-right
Alt L ⌘⌥← Add or remove border-left
Alt T ⌘⌥↑ Add or remove border top
Alt B ⌘⌥↓ Add or remove border-bottom
Alt D Add or remove border upward diagonal
Alt H Add or remove horizontal border interior
Alt V Add or remove vertical border interior
Ctrl Shift_ ⌘⌥_ Remove borders

Short-cut Keys for Formulas

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Excel Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
F4 ⌘T Toggle absolute and relative references
Shift F3 Fn⇧F3 Open the Insert Function Dialog Box
Alt= ⌘⇧T Autosum selected cells
Ctrl` ⌃` Toggle formulas on and off
Ctrl Shift A ⌃⇧A Insert function arguments
Ctrl Shift Enter ⌃⇧Return Enter array formula
F9 FnF9 Calculate worksheets
Shift F9 Fn⇧F9 Calculate active worksheet
Ctrl Alt F9 Force calculates all worksheets
F9 FnF9 Evaluate part of a formula
Ctrl Shift U ⌃⇧U Expand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl A ⌃A Display function arguments dialog box
Ctrl F3 Fn⌃F3 Open the Name Manager
Ctrl-Shift F3 Fn⌃⇧F3 Define name using row and column labels
F3 Paste name into a formula
Tab ↓Tab Accept function with autocomplete

Short-cut Keys for Other Operations

Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows Shortcuts Keys for Mac Excel Shortcut Function
F7 Fn F7 Open Spelling dialog box
Shift F7 Fn ⇧ F7 Open Thesaurus dialog box
Alt F8 Fn ⌥ F8 Open Macro dialog box
Alt F11 Fn ⌥ F11 Open VBA Editor
Ctrl D ⌘ D Duplicate object
Alt Snap to grid
Ctrl 6 ⌃ 6 Hide or show objects
Alt ‘ ⌘ ⇧ L Display Modify Cell Style dialog box
Shift F10 Fn ⇧ F10 Display right-click menu
Shift F10 D Fn Shift F10 Delete comment
Alt Space ? Display control menu

Conclusion on Excel Shortcut Keys

These MS Excel keyboard shortcuts are compatible with all versions of MS Excel, including 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and Office 365.

Many Excel users are unfamiliar with how to use keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts become easier to comprehend once you’ve used them.