Engineering Thermodynamics Lecture Notes | Syllabus, Reference Books and Important Questions

Engineering Thermodynamics Lecture Notes: Engineering thermodynamics has been an indispensable part of the engineering curriculum for a long time. One needs to have a clear concept and a deep understanding of the subject to perform better, apart from the necessary inclusion of thermodynamics in most of the graduate syllabus. Understanding engineering thermodynamics is also an essential part of many post-graduate and research syllabus. Hence, a student must be able to grasp the concept. Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

There are many books, online courses, and pdfs available online to help a student with a better understanding of physics. This site will give them an idea about the topics and patterns of courses to be followed to perform and understand better. Also, there will be an introduction and FAQs and suggestions to make sure you have a hassle-free experience understanding thermodynamics. And This article has been divided into a few parts to help you plan better.

Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics lecture notes mechanical engineering: In general, Thermodynamics is that part of physics that generally deals with work, heat and temperature and also about how it work by concerning the energy, radiation, and other material properties. Thermo stands for heat, and dynamics stand for the changing nature of the world, physically or chemically.

In layman terms, thermodynamics can be explained as the understanding of how heat exchange works between different materials in nature. The two other materials involved in the heat exchange can be in the state of solid, liquid, air, or otherwise. And knowing the universe as we know it, exchanging energy in forms of heat and otherwise is always happening. Thermodynamics applies to a lot of fields, not only practically but also theoretically.

The laws and working of thermodynamics govern a big part of our daily life. It is nearly impossible to research anything without involving thermodynamics. When it comes to engineering thermodynamics, the topics are taught, keeping under consideration the requirements of that particular engineering subject.

Hence, different types of thermodynamics are introduced in other streams of engineering. The two basic types that we find mostly in all subjects are applied thermodynamics and introductory thermodynamics. The primary branches of engineering that need thermodynamics to be involved are mechanical, chemical, civil, and electrical.

In modern science, Thermodynamics has been a matter of interest and research since the earliest ages of science development. And most of the mathematical formulae we use, theories we apply, or equations we trust were derived from thermodynamics as a base.

Books to refer to for thermodynamics

Different books are suggested for an extra level of study. For graduation, post-graduation, or research purposes, other books are recommended to suffice the different syllabus. However, a few of the books that have been around for  a while:

  1. Time’s Arrow – Origin of thermodynamic behavior by Michael c. Mackey
  2. Thermodynamics by Enrico Fermi
  3. Statistical Physics by Chris Ferrie
  4. Non –equilibrium Statistical mechanics by Ilya Prigogine
  5. General Chemistry by  Linus Pauling
  6. Physical chemistry – thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics and kinetics by Thomas Engel and Philip Reid
  7. Heat and mass transfer by P. K. Nag.
  8. Engineering thermodynamics by P.K. Nag.
  9. Understanding thermodynamics by H. C. Van Ness
  10. Fundamental of thermodynamics by Claus Borg

Course Syllabus

Basic concepts of Thermodynamics 1- Thermodynamic System and its Properties.

2- Thermodynamics Cycle and Energy of Thermodynamic System.

Ideal Gases 3- Laws of Ideal Gases: Compression and Expansion of Gases.
The first law of thermodynamics 4- First Law of Thermodynamics and Non-Flow Process.

5- Non-Flow and Flow Processes.

6- Numerical Problems.

The second law of thermodynamics 7- Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Carnot Cycle.

8- Entropy and Availability.

9- General Expression for change in Entropy Numerical Problems.

Air Cycles 10- Otto Cycle and Diesel Cycle.

11- Dual Combustion Cycle, Numerical Problems.

I.C. engine 12- Classifications and Working of the I.C. engine.

13- Comparison of S.I. and C.I. engine.

14- Parts of I.C. Engine.

15- Fuel Supply Systems of I.C. Engine.

16- Two-Stroke Cycle Engine.

Performance of I.C. engine 17- Performance Parameters of the I.C. engine.

18- Numerical Problems.

Fuels 19- Classification and Combustion Chemistry of Fuels.

20- Numerical Problems.

21- Determination of Calorific Value, Oil Burners.

Steam and its properties 22- Formation of Steam and its Properties.

23- Use of Steam Tables and Mollier Chart, Numerical Problems.

Steam Generators 24- Classification and performance parameters of Boilers/Steam Generators.

25- Boiler Mountings and Accessories.

26- Indian Boiler Regulation Act.

The layout of the Steam pipeline 27- Steam pipeline, Fittings, Joints, Material, and Insulation.
Boiler draught 28- Production of Draught and its Losses.

29- Natural Draught.

30- Power Requirement of Mechanical Draught, Numerical problems.

Air Compressor 31- Air compressors.

32- Air Compressor’s Work, Numerical Problems.

Some Important Questions

  1. State Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics?
  2. How will you Classify Thermodynamics System?
  3. What are the influences of Heat Losses or Gains on the Surface of the Conducting Body?
  4. Explain the Stages of Combustion in S.I. Engines?
  5. What are the Drawbacks (Disadvantages) of the Conventional Ignition System?
  6. What is meant by a closed system? Give an example.
  7. Define specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
  8. Define specific heat capacity at constant volume.
  9. Define intensive and extensive properties.
  10. What do you understand by the equilibrium of a system?
  11. What is meant by thermodynamics equilibrium?

FAQ’s on Engineering Thermodynamics Lecture Notes

Question 1.
How is the study of thermodynamics critical?

Thermodynamics is based on everything around us, be it a physical or chemical process, be it a natural or an artificial process. No process in this universe happens without involving thermodynamics. Hence, the study of thermodynamics helps a great deal in understanding the exchange of material in the universe.

Question 2. 
Does thermodynamics study have any physical application?

Yes, thermodynamics undoubtedly have physical applications. Since everything around us works based on energy exchange, and thermodynamics is all about energy exchange, it plays a significant role in determining the balance and the working of the universe. The three laws of thermodynamics govern most things happening around us.

Question 3.
What is the scope of studying thermodynamics?

Studying thermodynamics has enough scopes because every day, more and more discoveries are coming up, and thermodynamics play a significant role in those discoveries. Hence, being able to contribute to this field dictates an outstanding career.

Question 4.
What are a few of the best books to refer to for a better understanding of thermodynamics?

Different levels of studies of thermodynamics require an extra level of understanding of the same thing. Hence, there are other books to guide at a different level. However, if we talk about the bais thermodynamics application part, few good books are Applied thermodynamics by T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey, engineering thermodynamics by McGraw Hill and The Laws of thermodynamics by Peter Atkins.

Question 5.
Is there any stream that is solely responsible for teaching thermodynamics?

There is no stream by the name of thermodynamics. But there is no field of study that does not include thermodynamics. As we go on for higher studies, the involvement of thermodynamics goes or increases. However, on the research level, it is possible to devote a lot of time to the field of interest. That time working with a project that is based on the thermodynamics laws is possible. It will be helpful in both gaining physical and theoretical knowledge at the same time.

Question 6.
What are a few applications in real life that we witness daily that connect to thermodynamics?

It is a never-ending list, honestly. Everything is governed by thermodynamics laws, from candle lighting and melting to the cooking of food to adsorption and absorption.


With the changing environment and dynamics of the world, there is something new coming up every day. There is no better way to stay updated with those changes apart from learning and knowing thermodynamics. And engineering thermodynamics tops the list when it comes to learning about thermodynamics. This site will help make sure you don’t miss any vital topic when understanding engineering thermodynamics.  You can refer to the materials available and choose the ones that seem useful to you.