Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes: Aspirants looking to get hold of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Study Material and Notes can access the best notes for their preparation process or to have a revision of essential concepts.
The Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes and Study Materials acts as the principal study material and notes that foster and enhance better preparation and helps students score better grades. Students can refer to the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Lecture Notes as per the latest curriculum from this article.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes give aspirants a head start as they will also acquire the latest Syllabus, Reference Books, and Important Questions List for Electrical and Electronic Measurements notes over regular notes. Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download.
Participants can benefit from the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes PDFs and Reference Books from this article and ace the preparation methods with the best and updated study resources and achieve better grades.
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Reference Books
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Curriculum
- List of Electrical and Electronic Measurements Important Questions
- FAQs on Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes
- Conclusion
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Electrical and Electronic Measurements of materials are among the most remarkable procedures accessible for materials portrayal. These estimations can uncover data that totally describes the electrical vehicle properties of the material. Moreover, current instrumentation makes accuracy estimations and PC interfacing direct at a sensible expense.
Electrical current is a proportion of the progression of charges per unit time past a point in a circuit. An instrument is known as “ammeter” is utilized to quantify electrical flow in amperes or amps. To quantify the current coursing through some purpose of a circuit, the circuit must be torn open by then and the ammeter embedded now to be estimated really moves through the meter as well. It must be put in arrangement with the deliberate branch and should have exceptionally low protection from dodge huge adjustment of the current it is to quantify.
An electrical potential (voltage) is a proportion of the work needed to move an electrical charge between two focuses. The likely distinction, or change in electric potential, between two focuses, is estimated with a voltmeter and is estimated in units of volts (V) or millivolts (mV = 10-3 V). Normal use alludes to a potential distinction comparative with the ground (0.0 V) as basically the voltage, however, it is reasonable to call it by its right name to underscore the manner in which it is estimated. The likely contrast over a circuit component is estimated by putting the two leads of a voltmeter on the different sides of the component. Conversely the ammeter, a voltmeter must be associated in equal.
Techniques for electronic estimations were designed and grown all the while with the rise and advancement of radio designing and gadgets and depend on the estimating strategies utilized for electric amounts. Electronic estimations are fundamental for the turn of events, creation, and utilization of hardware in radio correspondences, TV, and radar, just as for robotization, specialized investigating PC innovation, and the production of electronic instruments and parts. The estimation procedures are utilized in material science, science, science, medication, topography, and other logical fields.
An unmistakable component of electronic estimations is the assortment of the amounts and the wide scopes of the qualities estimated, for instance, voltages of 10-8 to 103 volts, forces of 10-16 to 108 watts, and frequencies of 104 to 1012 hertz. In estimating the boundaries of electronic hardware, it is regularly important to utilize roundabout strategies, requiring the utilization of estimating instruments as well as of assistant mechanical assembly, for example, generators for voltage and current at different frequencies, working in a nonstop mode or with various kinds of swaying balance. Such hardware is additionally commonly gathered with electronic meters.
The instruments, which are utilized to quantify any amount are known as estimating instruments. This instructional exercise covers primarily the electronic instruments, which are helpful for estimating either electrical amounts or boundaries.
Following are the most regularly utilized electronic instruments.
- Voltmeter
- Ammeter
- Ohmmeter
- Multimeter
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download
Aspirants pursuing their Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech) or anybody who is interested in learning about the software can avail from the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes and Study Material updated in this article. Students can aid your preparation with the ultimate preparation tools that help you score more marks.
Candidates can download the study material and notes and refer to them whenever during the preparation process. Use of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes and Study Materials as a reference will help candidates get a better understanding of the concepts and change their score chart.
Here, is a list of a few important notes for a thorough preparation of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements course program-
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes PDF
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Handwritten Notes PDFs
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes PDFs
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements Question Paper PDFs
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements PPT Notes PDF
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Reference Books
Books are a rich source of information and students should refer to books that provide excellent conceptual background. Candidates can avail the best books for Electrical and Electronic Measurements as recommended by the experts of the subject.
Pupils can refer and read through the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Books and other Study Sources during your preparation.
The list of best and highly recommended books for Electrical and Electronic Measurements preparation are as follows, and candidates can choose the book that meets their knowledge and prepare accordingly.
- Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques- PHI is written by Helfrich & Cooper.
- “Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation” written by Prithwiraj Purkait and Budhaditya Biswas
- “Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation” written by Rajput R K
- “Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements” written by David A Bell
- “A Course in Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation” written by A K Sawhney
- “A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation” written by J B Gupta
- “Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: JNTU” written by K Lal Kishore
- “Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation” written by Bernard Oliver and John Cage
- “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Engineering” written by Nilkanta Datta
- “Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments” written by F C Widdis and E W Golding
- “Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering” written by W Bolton
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Curriculum
The best way to make your preparation effective is with an initial idea and an outline of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Syllabus. Keeping in mind every student’s requirements, we have provided a detailed view of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements curriculum.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements Course Curriculum will give students a clear idea of what to study, and the unit-wise break up gives topics under each unit carefully and allot time to each topic.
Students must cover all the topics before attempting the Electrical and Electronic Measurements exam so that the paper is reasonably comfortable at the time of the exam. Candidates must ensure awareness of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Syllabus as it prevents you from wasting unnecessary time on redundant topics.
The updated unit-wise breakup of the Electrical and Electronic Measurements Syllabus is as follows-
Unit | Topics |
UNIT I: Introduction to electric measuring | 1. Concept of measurement and instruments.
2. Electrical quantities and instruments for their measurements |
UNIT II-Measurement and Errors. | 1. Accuracy, precision, types of errors, probability of errors and Gaussian Errors curve, sensitivity, resolution and stability. Classification of errors.
2. Types of electrical measuring instruments, indicating, integrating and recording instruments. 3. Essentials of indicating instruments, deflecting, controlling and damping torques. |
UNIT III- Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments: | Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments |
UNIT IV- Elements of Process Instrumentation | 1. Block diagram of process instrumentation system and purpose of each block.
2. Basic principles of various sensors/transducers for measurement of temperature, pressure, strain and liquid level |
UNIT V- ELECTRONIC MULTIMETER: | 1. Advantage over conventional multimeter for voltage measurement with respect to input impedance and sensitivity, principles of voltage, current and resistance measurements.
2. Specification of electronic multimeter and their significance. |
UNIT VII- AUDIO POWER METER | 1. Block diagram of an audio power meter.
2. Principles of working its application and high frequency limitations. 3. Scale conversion from power to db. |
D.C. bridges- Wheat stone bridge, Kelvins bridges, Senstivity- Null indicators. A. C. Bridges – Inductance bridges (Maxwellbridge), Capacitance bridges, Hays bridge, Anderson bridge, Schering bridge, Wein bridge, Twin betwork, Storage factor, Dissipation factor and their measurments. 2. Block diagram explanation and working principle of laboratory types (balancingtype) RLC bridge. Specifications of a RLC bridge, Principle of digital RLC bridge. 3. Block diagram and working principles of a Q meter. |
UNIT IX- DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS | Digital Instruments |
List of Electrical and Electronic Measurements Important Questions
Candidates studying Electrical and Electronic Measurements can go through the list of essential questions mentioned below for the Electrical and Electronic Measurements course programme. All the given review questions aim to help the candidates to excel in the examination.
- Define the performance characteristics of an instrument?
- List the classification of performance characteristics of an instrument?
- Define precision and accuracy. Explain the difference between them.
- Define the transducer?
- List the classification of transducers?
- Define strain gauge?
- Discuss the principle of Maxwell’s bridge?
- Explain the basic principle of the Kelvin bridge?
- Describe the operation of the Wheatstone bridge?
- Describe the t advantages incurred on spectrum analysis?
Frequently Asked Questions on Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes
Question 1.
What are the constructional parts of a dynamometer type wattmeter?
The constructional parts of dynamometer type wattmeter are:
- Fixed coil
- Moving Coil
- Current limiting resistor
- Helical spring
- Spindle attached with a pointer
- Graduated scale
Question 2.
Name the errors caused in dynamometer type wattmeter.
The errors caused in dynamometer type wattmeter are:
- Error due to pressure coil inductance
- Error due to pressure coil capacitance
- Error due to methods of connection
- Error due to stray magnetic fields
- Error due to eddy current.
Question 3.
Name the methods used in wattmeter calibration.
The methods used in wattmeter calibration are:
- Compared with standard wattmeters.
- Using voltmeter ammeter method.
- Using Potentiometer.
Question 4.
Name the constructional parts of the induction type energy meter.
The constructional parts of induction type energymeter are:
- Current coil with series magnet
- Voltage coil with shunt magnet
- Al disc
- Braking magnet
- Registering mechanism.
The information on Electrical and Electronic Measurements Notes is genuine and reliable and the above mentioned Books and Study Materials aim to help and enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject during preparations and at the time of examination. Students can refer and practice from the provided Electrical and Electronic Measurements Books, Study materials, and Important Questions from this article.