Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts | List of Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers

Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts: Eclipse is IDE or Integrated Development Environment related to programming computers by Java developers. Eclipse is the IDE that the Java developers mostly prefer.

There are several keyboard shortcuts available for the eclipse, which will increase your work efficiency and aid you to complete your work much faster and without any hindrances. If you are a Java developer using the eclipse IDE, then you must know these Shortcuts.

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Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java

Keyboard Shortcuts Used for Managing Projects And Files

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + N It is used for creating a new project using the Wizard
Ctrl + Alt + N It is used for creating new projects, files, classes, etc.
Alt + F It is used for the opening projects, files, etc.
Ctrl + Shift + R It is used for opening resource files, folders or project
Alt + Enter It is used for showing and accessing file properties
Ctrl + S It is used for saving the current file
Ctrl + Shift + S It is used for saving all files
Ctrl + W It is used for closing the current file
Ctrl + Shift + W It is used for closing all files
F5 It is used for refreshing the content of a particular element with a local file system

Keyboard Shortcuts used for managing projects and files

Keyboard Shortcuts used for managing projects and files

Keyboard Shortcuts Used for Selecting Text

Functions  Keyboard Shortcuts
Shift + Right arrow key or Left arrow key It is used for expanding selection by one character to the right or the left
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow key or Left arrow key It is used for expanding selection to the next word or to the previous word
Shift + Down arrow key or Shift + Up arrow key It is used for expanding selection by one line down or one line up
Shift + End or Shift + Home It is used for expanding selection to the end of the line or the beginning of the line
Ctrl + A It is used for selecting all
Alt + Shift + Up arrow key It is used for expanding selection to the current element
Alt + Shift + Left arrow key or Right arrow key It is used to expand the selection to next or last element
Alt + Shift + Down arrow key It is used for reducing previously expanded selection by one step


Keyboard Shortcuts for Editing Text

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + C It is used to cut
Ctrl + X It is used to copy
Ctrl + V It is used to paste
Ctrl + Z It is used to undo the last action
Ctrl + Y It is used to redo the last action
Ctrl + D It is used for deleting Line
Alt + Up arrow key It is used or moving current line or selection up
Alt + Arrow Down It is used for moving the current line or selection down
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Up It is used for duplicating the current line or selecting up
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Down It is used for duplicating the current line or selection down
Ctrl + Delete It is used to delete the next word
Ctrl + Backspace It is used to delete the previous word
Shift + Enter It is used to enter the line below the current line
Shift + Ctrl + Enter It is used for entering the line above the current line
Insert It is used for switching between the insert and overwrite mode
Shift + Ctrl + Y It is used to change the selection to all lower case
Shift + Ctrl + X It is used to change the selection to all upper case

Keyboard Shortcuts used for Editor window

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
F12 It is used for jumping to Editor Window
Ctrl + Page Down It is used for switching to text editor
Ctrl + Page Up It is used for switching to the previous editor
Ctrl + M It is used for maximizing or un-maximizing current Editor Window
Ctrl + E It is used for showing a list of open editors. Use arrow keys and enter to switch
Ctrl + F6 or Ctrl + Shift + F6 It is used for showing a list of open editors. It is similar to Ctrl + E but this switches immediately after releasing Ctrl
Alt + Arrow Left It is used for going to the previous editor window
Alt + Arrow Right It is used for going to the next Editor Window
Alt + – It is used for opening the Editor Window Option menu
Ctrl + F10 It is used for showing view menu
Ctrl + F10, then press n It is used for showing or hiding line numbers
Ctrl + Shift + Q It is used for showing or hiding the various column on the left
Ctrl + Shift + + It is used for zooming text in
Ctrl + Shift + – It is used for zooming text out

Keyboard Shortcuts used for Navigate in Editor

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Home It is used for jumping to the beginning of indention
End It is used for jumping to the end of indention. Press home twice to jump to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + Home It is used for jumping to the beginning of the source
Ctrl + End It is used for jumping to the end of the source
Ctrl + Arrow Right It is used for jumping one word to the left
Ctrl + Arrow Left It is used for jumping one word to the right
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down It is used for jumping to the previous method
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow key It is used for jumping to the next method
Ctrl + L It is used for jumping to Line Number. To hide or show line numbers press ctrl+F10 and select ‘Show Line Numbers
Ctrl + Q It is used for jumping to the last edited location
Ctrl + . It is used for jumping to the next compiler syntax warning or error
Ctrl + , It is used for jumping to previous compiler syntax warning or error
Ctrl + Shift + P It is used for jumping to the matching closing or opening bracket with a selected bracket
Ctrl + Arrow Down or Ctrl + Arrow Up It is used for scroll Editor without changing cursor position
Alt + Page Up It is used for next sub-tab
Alt + Page Down It is used for previous sub-tab

Keyboard Shortcuts Used for Search And Replace

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + F It is used for opening find and replace dialogue box
Ctrl + K It is used for finding the previous occurrence of search term
Ctrl + Shift + K It is used for finding the next occurrence of the search term
Ctrl + H It is used for a searching workspace like Java Search
Ctrl + J It is used for incremental search forward
Ctrl + Shift + J It is used for incremental search backward
Ctrl + Shift + O It is used for opening a resource search dialog to find any class

Keyboard Shortcuts Used for Search And Replace

Keyboard Shortcuts for Indentions and Comments

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Tab It is used for increasing indent of selected text
Shift + Tab It is used for decreasing the indent of selected text
Ctrl + I It is used for correcting indention of selected text or of the current line
Ctrl + Shift + F It is used for autoformatting all code in editor using code formatted
Ctrl + / It is used for commenting or uncommenting line or selection
Ctrl + Shift + / It is used for adding block comments around the selection
Ctrl + Shift + \ It is used for removing block comment
Alt + Shift + J It is used for adding Element Comment

Keyboard Shortcuts for Indentions and Comments

Keyboard Shortcuts used for Editing Source Code

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + Space It is used for opening content assist like, showing available methods or field names
Ctrl + 1 It is used for opening quick Fix and quick Assist
Alt + / It is used for proposing word completion after typing maximum one letter. Repeatedly press alt+/ until reaching correct name
Ctrl + Shift + Insert It is used for deactivating or activating smart insert Mode which provides automatic indention, automatic brackets etc.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Code Information

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + O It is used for showing code outline or structure
F2 It is used for opening class method or variable information
F3 It is used for open declaration: Jump to Declaration of selected class method or parameter
F4 It is used for opening Type Hierarchy window for selected item
Ctrl + T It is used for showing or opening Quick Type Hierarchy for selected item
Ctrl + Shift +T It is used for opening Type in Hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt +H It is used for opening Call Hierarchy
Ctrl + Shift + U It is used for finding occurrences of expression in current file
Ctrl + move over method It is used for opening Declaration or Implementation

Keyboard Shortcuts Used for Refactoring

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt+ Shift + R It is used to rename selected element and all references
Alt + Shift + V It is used to Move selected element to other class or file
Alt + Shift + C It is used to change method signature (with method name selected)
Alt + Shift + M It is used to extract selection to method
Alt + Shift + L It is used to extract local variable: Create and assigns a variable from a selected expression
Alt + Shift + I It is used to inline selected local variables, methods or constants if possible

Keyboard Shortcuts used for Run and Debug

Functions Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + F11 It is used to save and launch application (run)
F11 It is used to debug
F5 It is used to step into the function
F6 It is used to the next step (line by line)
F7 It is used to step out
F8 It is used to skip to the next breakpoint

Keyboard Shortcuts used for Run and Debug

Conclusion on Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts

Using the above-mentioned Shortcuts, you can easily finish your work faster and also avoid using unnecessary steps. You can improve your productivity and also show your colleagues that you have good knowledge of the tools you are using for Java development. The Java developers using the Eclipse IDE, must check out these Shortcuts and apply them to your work for a smoother and easier workflow.