Use of deleted function c++ – CPP11 / CPP14 : ‘delete’ keyword and deleted functions with Use Cases | Examples

Use of deleted function c++: In the previous article, we have discussed about Unary Operator Overloading in CPP using both member & Friend function. Let us learn About ‘delete’ keyword and deleted functions with Use Cases in C++ Program.

Understanding the use of ‘delete’ keyword

C++ delete function: In this article we will discuss about a keyword delete, through which we can make function incapable and ineffective.

Deleting Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator :

Error: use of deleted function: We can’t call a deleted function if we do so, then it will generate compile time error.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

class Student


int sroll;

std::string sname;


Student(int studRoll, std::string studName) : sroll(studRoll), sname(studName)


// to delete the Copy Constructor

Student(const Student & obj) = delete;

// to delete the Assignment operator

Student & operator = (const Student & obj) = delete;

void display()


std::cout<<sroll << " ::: "<<sname<<std::endl;



int main()


Student userObj(10, "Rick");

Student obj = userObj;

return 0;

Output :
main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:31:19: error: use of deleted function ‘Student::Student(const Student&)’
Student obj = userObj;
main.cpp:19:5: note: declared here
Student(const Student & obj) = delete;

Here class Student, Copy Constructor, Assignment Operator are deleted, so if we call deleted function we will get compilation error.

Deleting member functions to prevent data loss conversions :

We if the Student constructor accepts studRoll as int, we can still call it by double & char too but it is a invalid conversions. So we can prevent it, by using delete keyword and declaring them as deleted.

It will throw a compilation error as Student object with double and char will be deleted.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

class Student


int sroll;

std::string sname;


Student(int studRoll, std::string studName) : sroll(studRoll), sname(studName)


// To delete a constructor that accepts a double as roll

Student(double studRoll, std::string studName) = delete ;

// To delete a constructor that accepts a double as roll

Student(char studRoll, std::string studName) = delete ;

// to delete Copy Constructor

Student(const Student & obj) = delete;

// to delete Assignment operator

Student & operator = (const Student & obj) = delete;

void display()


std::cout<<sroll << " ::: "<<sname<<std::endl;



int main()


Student obj1(5.57, "Rick");

Student obj2('z', "Satya");

return 0;

Output :
main.cpp:35:30: error: use of deleted function ‘Student::Student(double, std::string)’
Student obj1(5.57, "Rick");
main.cpp:19:1: note: declared here
Student(double studRoll, std::string studName) = delete ;
main.cpp:37:30: error: use of deleted function ‘Student::Student(char, std::string)’
Student obj2('z', "Satya");
main.cpp:21:1: note: declared here
Student(char studRoll, std::string studName) = delete ;

Restrict Object creation on Heap by deleting new operator for class :

By deleting new operator of class Student, when we will try to create Student Object on heap using new we will get compilation.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

class Student


int sroll;

std::string sname;


Student(int studRoll, std::string studName) : sroll(studRoll), sname(studName)


// to prevent object creation on heap deleting the new function

void * operator new (size_t) = delete;


int main(){

Student * ptr = new Student(21, "Rick");

Output :
main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:23:43: error: use of deleted function ‘static void* Student::operator new(size_t)’
Student * ptr = new Student(1, "Riti");
main.cpp:19:12: note: declared here
void * operator new (size_t) = delete;

Delete specific template specialization :

We can also restrict some certain specializations of template classes or functions using delete keyword.

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

template <typename T>

class ComplexNumber


T x;

T y;


ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b)


void display()


std::cout<<x << " + i"<<y<<std::endl;


// to deleted template specialisation

ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;

// to deleted template specialisation

ComplexNumber(double a, double b) = delete;


int main(){

ComplexNumber<int> obj1(1,2);

ComplexNumber<double> obj2(1.0,2.0);

ComplexNumber<char> obj3('1' , '2');

return 0;

Output :
main.cpp:27:5: error: ‘ComplexNumber::ComplexNumber(double, double) [with T = double]’ cannot be overloaded
ComplexNumber(double a, double b) = delete;
main.cpp:18:5: error: with ‘ComplexNumber::ComplexNumber(T, T) [with T = double]’
ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b)
main.cpp: In instantiation of ‘class ComplexNumber<char>’:
<span class="error_line" onclick="ide.gotoLine('main.cpp',32)">main.cpp:32:25</span>:   required from here
main.cpp:25:5: error: ‘ComplexNumber::ComplexNumber(char, char) [with T = char]’ cannot be overloaded
ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
main.cpp:18:5: error: with ‘ComplexNumber::ComplexNumber(T, T) [with T = char]’
ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b)

Difference between deleted function and private functions :

By declaring function as private we restrict its calling, but making function deleted as many benefits like:

  • By deleting function with deleted keyword, the deleted functions can’t be called by other member functions, but private member functions can be even called from other member functions.
  • If compiler finds a function is deleted then it will not lookup for other matching functions as Deleted function exist in lookups which will prevent unnecessary bugs and data loss.