C++ std::set example and tutorial with external sorting criteria | Comparator

In the previous article, we have discussed about How to iterate a map in reverse order – C++. Let us learn std::set example and tutorial in C++ Program.

In this article we will see the process of using external sorting criteria.

Before going to this topic we must first know what external sorting is and what is a comparator.

External sorting:

It is a category of sorting algorithm that can sort huge amounts of data.

This type of sorting is applied to a data set that acquires large memory which cannot be held in main memory (RAM) and is stored in secondary memory(hard disk). we apply external sorting for a huge data set that cannot be processed in a single go. Data is divided into small chunks these chunks are sorted and then stored in data files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class Compare
    bool operator() (pair<int, int> pair1, pair<int, int> pair2)
        return pair1.first > pair2.first;
string ToString(int val) {
    stringstream stream;
    stream << val;
    return stream.str();

string mergeFiles(int counter) {
    string fileA, fileB;
    std::priority_queue<pair<int, int>, std::vector<pair<int, int> >, Compare> minHeap;
    ifstream* handles = new ifstream[counter];
    for (int i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
        string sortedInputFileName = "output" + ToString(i) + ".txt";
        handles[i - 1].open(sortedInputFileName.c_str());
        int firstValue;
        handles[i - 1] >> firstValue; 
        minHeap.push(pair<int, int>(firstValue, i - 1));   
    string outputFileName = "output.txt";
    ofstream outputFile(outputFileName.c_str());
    while (minHeap.size() > 0) {
        pair<int, int> minPair = minHeap.top();
        outputFile << minPair.first << '\n';
        int nextValue;
        if (handles[minPair.second] >> nextValue) {
            minHeap.push(pair <int, int>(nextValue, minPair.second));
    for (int i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
        handles[i - 1].close();
    delete[] handles;
    return outputFileName;
void sortAndWrite(int *values, int size, int numberOfChunks) {
    sort(values, values + size);
    string outputFileName = "output" + ToString(numberOfChunks) + ".txt";
    ofstream outputFile(outputFileName.c_str()); 
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        outputFile << values[i] << '\n';
int main() {
    int numberOfChunks = 1;
    int maxSizeofMemory = 32;
    int chunkSize = maxSizeofMemory / sizeof(int); 
    int* inputValues = new int[chunkSize];
    int readValue = 0;
    int currentCount = 0;
    bool unprocessedData = true;
    ifstream inputFile("input.txt");
    while (inputFile >> readValue) {
        unprocessedData = true;
        inputValues[currentCount++] = readValue;
        if (currentCount == chunkSize) {
            sortAndWrite(inputValues, currentCount, numberOfChunks);
            currentCount = 0;
            unprocessedData = false;
    if (unprocessedData) {
        sortAndWrite(inputValues, currentCount, numberOfChunks);
    else {
    delete[] inputValues; 
    if (numberOfChunks != 0) {
        std::priority_queue<pair<int, int>, std::vector<pair<int, int> >, Compare> minHeap;
        cout << "output is in file : " << mergeFiles(numberOfChunks);
    return 0;
Output :

output is in file : output.txt


These classes are used to compare the objects of user-defined classes. To develop a generic function use template and to make the function more generic we use containers so that comparisons between data can be made.

Example: the most common example is Liner Search,

using namespace std;
int main()
int a[20],n,x,i,flag=0;
cout<<"How many elements?";
cout<<"\nEnter elements of the array\n";
cout<<"\nEnter element to search:";
cout<<"\nElement is found at position "<<i+1;
cout<<"\nElement not found";
return 0;

How many elements?4
Enter elements of the array
5 11 12 4
Enter element to search:11
Element is found at position 2

Use of external sorting criteria i.e. comparator :

Below code is the implementation of this.

#include <iostream>

#include <set>

using namespace std;

int main()


    set<int> set1; 

    set<int>::iterator iterator_1;

    set<int>::iterator iterator_2;






    set<int, greater<int>> set2(set1.begin(), set1.end()); 

    cout << "Elements after insertion of set 1 = ";

    for (iterator_1 = set1.begin(); iterator_1 != set1.end(); ++iterator_1)

        cout << *iterator_1 << " ";

    cout << "\nElements after insertion of set 2 = ";

    for (iterator_2 = set2.begin(); iterator_2 != set2.end(); ++iterator_2)

        cout << *iterator_2 << " ";
Output :

Elements after insertion of set 1 = 2 3 4 5 
Elements after insertion of set 2 = 5 4 3 2