C++ Program to Store Information of a Book in a Structure

In the previous article, we have discussed C++ Program to Multiply Two Numbers Without Using ‘*’ Operator. In this article, we will see C++ Program to Store Information of a Book in a Structure.

C++ Program to Store Information of a Book in a Structure

In this C++ program, we will store the information of a book in a structure variable and then display it in screen. We want to store following information for a book Name, Price and ISBN. Here is a sample book record :
Name : Harry Potter
Price : 500
ISBN Code : 7645364
To store the information of a book, we will define an Book structure having three member variable name, price and ISBN.

struct Book {
    char name[100];
    int price;
    int ISBN;

Then we will create a variable of structure Book, let’s say book1. Then to access the members of book1, we will use member access operator or dot(.) operator.

Points to remember about Structures in C++.

  • We can declare any number of member variables inside a structure.
  • Structure in C++ programming language is a user defined data type that groups logically related information of different data types into a single unit.
  • Keyword struct is used to declare a structure.
  • We can access the member of structure either using dot operator(.) or arrow operator(->) in case of structure pointer.

C++ Program to Store Information of a Book in a Structure

C++ Program to Store Information of a Book in a Structure

// C++ program to store and print data from a structure variable
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// A structure for book
struct Book {
    char name[100];
    int price;
    int ISBN;
int main() {
    Book b;
    cout << "Enter name of book\n";
    cin.getline(b.name, 100);
    cout << "Enter price of employee\n";
    cin >> b.price;
    cout << "Enter ISBN code\n";
    cin >> b.ISBN;
    // Printing Book details 
    cout << "\n*** Book Details ***" << endl;
    cout << "Name : " << b.name << endl;
 cout << "Price : " << b.price << endl;
    cout << "ISBN Code : " << b.ISBN;
    return 0;


Enter name of book
Harry Potter
Enter price of employee
Enter ISBN code

*** Book Details ***
Name : Harry Potter
Price : 500
ISBN Code : 7645364

In above program, we first declare a variable of type Book as Book b;

Then we ask user to enter book details i.e Name, Price and ISBN and store it in corresponding fields of structure variable b. Finally we print the information of variable b on screen using cout.

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