C++ capitalize first letter of string: The declaration and description of a string using an array of chars are the same as the declaration and definition of any other data type array.
Any string must end with the null character ‘/0′. As the last element of an array specified in this manner, the null character ‘/0′ should be used.
Given a string ,the task is to convert the first letter of each word in the given string to uppercase
Example 1:
given_string="hello this is btechgeeks"
Hello This Is BTechgeeks
Example 2:
given_string="miss World"
Miss World
Explanation :
Here second word "world" is already capitalized
Convert First Letter of Each word in a String to Uppercase
There are several ways to convert the first letter of each word in a string to uppercase some of them are:
Method #1:Using STL functions
- Iterate through the characters in the specified string.
- Check for each character – if the previous character was ‘ ‘ and the current character is not ‘ ‘
- If yes, change the letter to upper case.
Below is the implementation:
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { // given string string given_string = "hello this is btechgeeks"; // Traverse the givn_string for (int i = 0; i < given_string.length(); i++) { static int last = ' '; if (last == ' ' && given_string[i] != ' ' && ::isalpha(given_string[i])) given_string[i] = ::toupper(given_string[i]); last = given_string[i]; } // printing the string cout << given_string << endl; }
Hello This Is Btechgeeks
Method #2:Using Boost Library
A feature in the Boost Library converts an input sequence to upper case.
template<typename WritableRangeT> void to_upper(WritableRangeT & Input, const std::locale & Loc = std::locale());
In this case, the input sequence may be a string or a range of iterators, such as boost::iterator_range.
However, we do not want to move the entire string to upper case. We only want a few basic characters translated to upper case. As a result, we’ll make a Range of Filtered Iterator.
Filtered Iterator:
Filtered Iterator is an adaptor iterator that skips certain elements based on a filter, such as a callback attached to it.
- Build a callback that will accept a char and return true if the previous character was whitespace ‘ ‘ and the current char is an alphabet.
- Build a Start and End Filtered String Iterator that iterates through only the characters that return true when passed to the above filter callback
- Make a Range out of this filtered iterator’s start and end points.
- Use this range in conjunction with boost::to_upper to convert only the characters in the filtered iterator to uppercase.
Below is the implementation:
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp> using namespace std; struct isFirstCharacter { // If the previous char was ' ' and the current char is // an alphabet, return true. bool operator()(char& character) { static int lastchar = ' '; if (lastchar == ' ' && character != ' ' && ::isalpha(character)) { lastchar = character; return true; } lastchar = character; return false; } }; int main() { // given string string given_string = "hello this is btechgeeks"; typedef boost::filter_iterator<isFirstCharacter, string::iterator> filter_iterator; // Creating a Filter, also known as a Functor Object isFirstCharacter isFirstLetterObject; // Create the Filtered Iterator's beginning. filter_iterator first_filter_itr(isFirstLetterObject, given_string.begin(), given_string.end()); // Create the Filtered Iterator's End filter_iterator last_filter_itr(isFirstLetterObject, given_string.end(), given_string.end()); // Create a Range from a filetered iterator's start and // end points object boost::iterator_range<filter_iterator> stringRange; stringRange = boost::make_iterator_range( first_filter_itr, last_filter_itr); // convert string to upper case boost::to_upper(stringRange); // print the string cout << given_string << endl; }
Hello This Is Btechgeeks
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