Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail | List of All Gmail Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail

Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail: Sending and receiving emails has become an integral part of our daily lives. For this purpose, one of the most popular platforms that we use regularly is Gmail. Though Gmail has a very user-friendly interface, knowing shortcut keys or hotkeys helps us out in any platform that we work in. These shortcuts help us in reducing our effort and save our time while working.

However, for Gmail, one needs to turn the keyboard shortcuts on manually to use the feature. The process to turn the keyboard shortcuts on will be discussed in detail further in this article.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Below in this article are the lists of keyboard shortcuts that one can use on a computer, Android device, or Apple device.

Table of Content

How to Turn on Keyboard Shortcuts on Computer for Gmail?

Gmail shortcut keys: For Gmail, some keyboard shortcuts only work if you’ve turned them on manually. However, all keyboards do not support keyboard shortcuts, but most of them do. To turn keyboard shortcuts on, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Step 1: On a computer, go to Gmail.
  2. Step 2: In the top right corner, click Settings followed by See all settings.
  3. Step 3: Click Settings.
  4. Step 4: Scroll down to the “Keyboard shortcuts” section.
  5. Step 5: Select Keyboard shortcuts on.
  6. Step 6: Scroll down again to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts That You Can Use on Computer

Gmail hot keys: Some of the functions for which you can use keyboard shortcuts in Gmail are listed below:

  1. To navigate your inbox and messages.
  2. Format text.
  3. Complete actions like archiving and deleting.

Besides these, there are a lot more functions as well, which we will get to know later in this article.

If you wish to see an entire list of keyboard shortcuts, including those that need to be turned on, you need to type ‘?’ after you open Gmail.

Note: Keyboard shortcuts work differently on PC and macOS computers or devices. For PCs, you’ll use Ctrl instead of Cmd and vice-versa for macOS computers.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Compose and Chat

Keyboard Shortcut Function
p Previous message in an open conversation
n Next message in an open conversation
Shift + Esc Focus the main window
Esc Focus the latest chat or compose
Ctrl + . Advance to the next chat or compose
Ctrl + , Advance to previous chat or compose
Cmd / Ctrl + Enter Send
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + C Add cc recipients
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + B Add bcc recipients
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + F Access custom from
Cmd / Ctrl + K Insert a link
Cmd + ; Go to the next misspelt word (Mac only)
Cmd / Ctrl + M Open spelling suggestions

Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail

Keyboard Shortcuts for Formatting Text

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Cmd /Ctrl + Shift + 5 Previous font
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + 6 Next font
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + – Decrease text size
Cmd /Ctrl + Shift and + Increase text size
Cmd / Ctrl + B Bold
Cmd / Ctrl + I Italics
Cmd / Ctrl + U Underline
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + 7 Numbered list
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + 8 Bulleted list
Cmd /Ctrl + Shift + 9 Quote
Cmd / Ctrl + [ Indent less
Cmd / Ctrl + ] Indent more
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + L Align left
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + E Align centre
Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + R Align right
Cmd / Ctrl + \ Remove formatting

Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail 2

Keyboard Shortcuts for Actions

Keyboard Shortcut Function
, Move focus to toolbar
x Select conversation
s Toggle star/rotate among superstars
e Archive
m Mute conversation
! Report as spam
# Delete
r Reply
Shift + r Reply in a new window
a Reply all
Shift + A Reply all in a new window
F Forward
Shift + F Forward in a new window
Shift + N Update conversation
] or [ Archive conversation and go previous/next
Z Undo last action
Shift + I Mark as read
Shift + U Mark as unread
_ Mark unread from the selected message
+ or = Mark as important
Mark as not important
b Snooze
; (This shortcut isn’t available in classic Gmail)
: Expand entire conversation
Shift + t Collapse entire conversation

Keyboard Shortcuts for Hangouts

Keyboard Shortcut Function
h + m Show menu
h + a Show archived hangouts
h + i Show Hangout requests
h + c Focus on the conversation list
h + p Open phone

Keyboard Shortcuts for Jumping

Keyboard Shortcut Function
g + i Go to Inbox
g + s Go to Starred conversations
g + b Go to Snoozed conversations
g + t Go to Sent Messages
g + d Go to Drafts
g + a Go to All mail
Cmd / Ctrl + Alt + , and Cmd / Ctrl + Alt + . Switch between the Calendar/Keep/Tasks sidebar and your inbox.
g + k Go to Tasks
g + l Go to label

Keyboard Shortcuts for Thread List Selection

Keyboard Shortcut Function
* + a Select all conversations
* + n Deselect all conversations
* + r Select read conversations
* + u Select unread conversations
* + s Select starred conversations
* + t Select unstarred conversations

Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation

Keyboard Shortcut Function
g + n Go to the next page
g + p Go to the previous page
u Back to thread list
k Newer conversation
j Older conversation
o or Enter Open conversation
` Go to the next Inbox section
~ Go to the previous Inbox section

Keyboard Shortcuts for Application

Keyboard Shortcut Function
c Compose
d Compose in a new tab
/ Search mail
g Search chat contacts
. Open the “more actions” menu
v Open “move to” menu
l Open “label as” menu
? Open keyboard shortcuts help

Note: Always remember these shortcuts keys will not work until keyboard shortcuts are turned on manually.

How to Customize Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail on Computer?

Besides the default keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, you can add, delete or customize shortcuts as per your convenience. The steps below will guide you in the process:

Turn on Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Step 1: On your computer, go to Gmail.
  2. Step 2: At the top right corner, click Settings followed by See all settings.
  3. Step 3: Click Advanced.
  4. Step 4: Next to “Custom keyboard shortcuts,” choose Enable.
  5. Step 5: At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Change Your Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Step 1: On your computer, go to Gmail.
  2. Step 2: At the top right corner, click Settings followed by See all settings.
  3. Step 3: At the top, click Keyboard Shortcuts.
  4. Step 4: Next to the action, type the keyboard key to make a new shortcut.
  5. Step 5: At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
  6. Note: At a time, one key can refer to only one action.

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts That You Can Use on Android

For Android devices, you can use the shortcuts listed below if you plug an external keyboard into the device. These keyboard shortcuts work with most kinds of external keyboards. The shortcuts are listed below:

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + n Compose a new email
Ctrl + d Archive an email
Ctrl + Enter Send an email
Ctrl + s Save a draft
Ctrl + u Refresh your inbox
Right arrow Open selected conversation
Enter Expand or collapse an email in a conversation
Ctrl + x, Ctrl + c, or Ctrl + v Cut, copy, or paste
Ctrl + a Select all
Ctrl + m Open the side menu
Ctrl + , Open settings
Ctrl + ? Open Help & Feedback
Ctrl + r Reply all
Ctrl + i Mark as read or unread
Ctrl + p Print

How to Turn on Keyboard Shortcuts on iPad and iPhone for Gmail?

By following the below steps, you can turn on keyboard shortcuts for Gmail on your iPad. However, keyboard shortcuts aren’t supported on all keyboards. Also, as said earlier, iPhones currently do not support keyboard shortcuts in the Gmail app.

  1. Step 1: On an iPad, open the Gmail app.
  2. Step 2: In the top left, tap on Menu, and then click on Settings.
  3. Step 3: Tap on Enable keyboard shortcuts.

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts That You Can Use on iPhone and iPad

If you connect your keyboard to the iPad, you can use the keyboard shortcuts listed below for the Gmail app. Some shortcuts will show a description when you touch and hold the ⌘

or Cmd on the keyboard you have connected to your iPad. To use any shortcut, tap the key after you have turned on keyboard shortcuts for Gmail.

Note: iPhones currently do not support keyboard shortcuts in the Gmail app.

Shortcuts You Can Use While Composing an Email

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Cmd + Delete Delete a line
Option + Delete Delete a word
Cmd + Return Send
Cmd + W Close

Shortcuts with Description Available

Keyboard Shortcut Function
z Undo
u Unselect all
! Mark as spam
# Delete
a Reply all
c Compose
m Mute
e Archive
f Forward
r Reply
x Select
Shift + I Mark as read
Shift + U Mark as unread
Cmd + U Refresh

Shortcuts Without Any Description

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Escape Go back
Return Open item
Up arrow Previous item
Down arrow Next item
j Next conversation
k Previous conversation
n Next message
p Previous message


Conclusion on Keyboard Shortcuts for Gmail

In conclusion, we can say that using keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys on any platform or software always help us to ease out our process of working, and it is the same for Gmail as well.

By remembering all the keyboard shortcuts, you can easily move around and work without going to your mouse every time. If you want, you can print these shortcuts, which will help you work even more efficiently.

Autocad command list – AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts | List of AutoCAD Commands and Shortcut Keys

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts: In today’s world, nearly everything is designed with CAD software these days, and AutoCAD is one of the most widely used programs. Offering features and functions that stand out, AutoCAD has revolutionized the design and engineering fields and can be applied to almost any industry.

So, for beginners and professionals to get the most out of AutoCAD, it’s necessary to know how to use it efficiently by learning the most useful shortcuts and commands discussed in this article.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Table of Content

Keyboard Shortcuts for AutoCAD

Autocad command list: The most important shortcuts that you must know are the keyboard combinations. These combinations increase your productivity and help you navigate AutoCAD’s interface with ease. These shortcuts help save the time and effort that one would have to give if these shortcuts weren’t there. Here below, we will list the significant keyboard shortcuts that we use in AutoCAD.

For Drawing Modes

Keyboard Shortcut Function
F1 Display Help
F2 Toggle text screen
F6 Toggle COORDS
F11 Toggle object snap tracking
F12 Toggle dynamic input mode

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts 1

To Manage Screen & Workflow

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + 0 Clean Screen
Ctrl + 1 Property Palette
Ctrl + 2 Design Centre Palette
Ctrl + 3 Tool Palette
Ctrl + 4 Sheet Set Palette
Ctrl + 7 Mark-up Set Manager Palette
Ctrl + 8 Quick Calc
Ctrl + 9 Command Line
Ctrl + C Copy object
Ctrl + X Cut object
Ctrl + V Paste object
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy to clipboard with base point
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste data as block
Ctrl + Shift + L Change text into lower case
Ctrl + Shift + U Change text into upper case
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo last action
Ctrl + [ (or Ctrl + \) Cancel current command
Esc Cancel current command

AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts 2

For Other General Features

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + E Cycle isometric planes
Ctrl + F Toggle running object snaps
Ctrl + G Toggle Grid
Ctrl + H Toggle Pick Style
Ctrl + Shift + H Toggle display palettes

Commands for AutoCAD

Autocad shortcuts keyboard: Commands are to be used by entering them in the command bar at the bottom of the screen. AutoCAD suggests similar commands that might start with the same characters as you type the characters in the command bar. The below list is about some of the basic commands that will be helpful to you in the AutoCAD drawing interface.

Basic Commands

  • ARCTEXT: This command lets you add text or write in an arc shape. It adds text over an existing arc or for getting quirky appearances.
  • AUDIT: Auditing your drawings frequently helps you avoid unnecessary errors that may later show up and corrupt the drawings. You must use this command periodically to review any errors and correct them instantly.
  • CAL: It’s practically impossible to sketch any drawing without performing some basic arithmetic in the drawing. Often, the measurements that you have are not enough to sketch out a perfect drawing. Using this command, you can perform the basic operations in the command line itself without having to use a calculator or exiting another window.
  • CLOSEALL: This command is used to close all the windows and tabs currently open in your AutoCAD. This shortcut doesn’t exit directly to the desktop but takes you to the main interface or home screen of AutoCAD.
  • COPY:  Whenever you need to copy objects, you can use this command.
  • DIST: It’s not always possible to dimension every object that’s in the drawing. In this case, this command comes in handy to quickly find the distance between two points in your drawing.
  • LIST: This command presents you with information about the various properties of a drawing element, such as the area, length, radius, and centre point of an element.
  • OOPS: In a situation where you have accidentally deleted an entire drawing and performed various actions over it, you can use the UNDO command, but the drawback is that it reverses only a certain number of steps. Preferably, the OOPS command comes in handy to recover the entire drawing in an instant. The command OOPS brings everything back at once.
  • PREVIEW: It’s always good to know how your drawing will be represented once it’s finished. Previewing it is an excellent way to analyse the outcome. It gives you a forecast. Based on that, you can alter any elements you would like to in the drawing.
  • RECOVERALL: This command works similarly to the AUDIT command. It lets you retrieve the file and other external references (XREFs), if any, that are included in your drawing. It’s a helpful command for fixing any errors and retrieving your drawing.
  • SAVEALL: It’s a good habit to save your current or ongoing work. But it’s a tedious job to switch tabs and save every drawing. Hence, this command saves all the drawings and tabs in a project to avoid extra work. This way, you can be sure that all your work is saved.
  • SPELL: We often need to use text in AutoCAD to annotate dimensions, images, objects, among other things, and a lot of time, we are bound to make spelling mistakes. So, this command performs a spell check on the selected texts and flags any mistakes or errors.
  • TIME: This command notifies you about the time that you’ve spent working on a drawing. It shows all the details about the starting time of the drawing to the time it was last edited. It’s a useful command if you want to analyse your performance in AutoCAD. This is also very useful for quoting time frames for projects.

Commands for Modifications

Auto cad commands list: The following list of commands helps you in being more productive as you’re drawing. These will help you in editing elements of your drawings quickly; rather than manually moving to each element in the pallets and selecting it, you can type a command to execute the action.

  • ALIGN: The feature ALIGN will, instead of selecting and moving the object manually to a point, quickly aligns the surfaces of two selected objects. An example to explain this command is when you want to align a sofa chair to the edge of the wall.
  • BREAK: To cut off a specific part of a section from any line, you can use this command. Using this command, you can choose the breakpoints on a line. So, in place of deleting the entire line, BREAK deletes only the selected part of a line.
  • CHAMFER: Chamfer is one of the most popular features of AutoCAD drawings used to sketch an angled edge in the drawing that gives an aesthetic appearance while eliminating sharp edges in the model. We can use this command in both 2D and 3D drawings.
  • ERASE: To draw an element then erase it is a very common phenomenon. This command helps in saving time and erase entire elements in the drawings in a single move.
  • EXTEND: To connect the edges of one line to the edge of another line, you don’t need to drag the endpoint of a line to meet with another. Instead, select the two lines, and they get automatically connected. The main benefit is that you can extend multiple lines at the same time to meet a surface.
  • FILLET: The fillet command is used if you need a rounded corner in a drawing. It lets you quickly add a fillet to any edges of your selection. Fillets and chamfers are commonly used as a weight-saving feature and a safety measure.
  • GROUP: When you need to regularly copy, move, or edit only certain drawing elements, you can work on them all at once by grouping them. It will save you from selecting each element every time.
  • LAYER: Layers are one of the many essential features in AutoCAD. Using this command, designers can carry out a drawing across various levels. For example, one might create a layer for dimensions, a floor plan layer, a layer for furniture, and many more. Managing layers effectively is essential, and this command lets you easily access the Layer Properties Manager.
  • MIRROR: This is useful in symmetrical drawings as you can draw one half, then mirror the other half, saving a lot of time and ensure accuracy.
  • OVERKILL: It’s very simple to get many lines on top of each other, but it isn’t very beneficial and may lead to errors in the final output of the drawing. If you select and delete each overlapping line manually, it may lead to more errors and take a lot of time. With this command, you can delete the elements that are overlapping in your drawing, and even it informs you about its deleted lines.
  • PURGE: While working in AutoCAD, you may insert many objects and elements that you may not have used in the drawing. These elements can cause unnecessary errors and also increase the overall file size. Using this command, you can delete all these elements at once.
  • SCALE: Scale is one of the most heavily used features in AutoCAD as you’re always needed to scale your drawings, XREFs, PDFs, and many other things in AutoCAD for various purposes.
  • SCALETEXT: Different to the regular SCALE command, which is used to scale entire drawings and objects, this command is used to scale only the text in a drawing. It’s always better to match the scale of your text to the scale of your drawing.
  • TEXTFIT: With this command, you can auto-scale your text to fit inside a space without any need to change scales or look at whether or not the text fits a box. This command will fit your text within the selected boundaries.
  • TRIM: This command is used to shorten a line or any unwanted edges. It’s popularly used to trim off any hanging lines and maintain the boundaries of the drawing. If you execute this command, the entire line will be trimmed up to the nearest edge in a drawing.

Commands for Dimensions

After navigation and drawing, we need the dimensioning commands as we all know the importance of dimensioning in a drawing. So, to help you out with dimensions, we have a list of amazing commands that will make your working in AutoCAD a smooth process.

  • QUICKCALC: While dimensioning, we often need to add, subtract, or multiply the units. In such cases, the calculator is the most helpful tool for anyone working in AutoCAD. So, to solve this issue, this command is used by which a built-in calculator opens up in a new window within AutoCAD.
  • DIMSTYLE: This command allows the customization of the dimensions in your drawing depending on how you want them to appear.
  • DIMALIGNED: This command is used to align a dimension with the origin points of a line. Hence for an inclined line, you will be able to dimension the inclined height of the line rather than the vertical height.
  • DIMANGULAR: If you need to insert angular dimensions in a drawing, you will need to use this command. The command lets you choose the vertex and the edges of an angle and then denotes the dimension of the selected angle.
  • DIMARC: Like the earlier commands, this one gives you the dimensions of an arc or a polyline. It’s specifically used to express the arc length of an arc in the drawing.
  • DIMDIAMETER: Using this command, you can assign dimensions to any circle in the drawing, precisely the diameter of the selected circle.
  • DIMEDIT: Using this command, you can edit all the existing dimensions, which comprise the positions and orientations of dimensions that you’ve assigned earlier to an element. It is very much helpful for last-minute corrections.

Conclusion on AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts

As discussed earlier in the article, the primary purpose of using shortcuts and commands in AutoCAD is to increase productivity and efficiency. They allow us to execute functions more quickly, as we don’t need to search through the entire AutoCAD interface for the right tool, thereby making our work seamless. Hence, the shortcuts and commands discussed above will surely make you love using AutoCAD even more.

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts | Most Commonly Used Shortcut Keys for Outlook

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts: Outlook belongs to the family of Microsoft Office ever since 1997. You are probably using Outlook every day, isn’t it? Or do you receive your email through various web services like Gmail? Do you know Microsoft Office Outlook has hundreds of shortcuts in keyboard settings for all types of functions? No? Don’t worry; listed below are some of the most frequently used shortcuts.

These shortcut keys are a life changer! It will no doubt change the way of your email. Don’t worry; it simply takes two minutes to grasp them, and you will be saving at least 15 minutes per day of your email time! It will speed things up for you and will make emailing a lot more comfortable task. Go through this article, and you can thank us later!

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

How To Enable The Shortcut Keys?

Outlook shortcut keys: Before we move to the shortcut keys, you should know about how to enable certain shortcut keys:

  1. First, you should go to the home screen and then select the ‘Settings’ option.
  2. From ‘Settings’, now select the ‘More mail settings’ option.
  3. The next step consists of moving to the ‘Customizing Outlook’ option.
  4. After you have selected the ‘Customizing Outlook’ option, you should select the option ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’.
  5. From here you can make your choice. Now click on the ‘Save’ button to save your choice.

A Brief List Of Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook With Explanations

Microsoft outlook shortcut keys: You can use the given list as a reference which is a composite list of all shortcuts. All the given shortcuts are applicable for both Mac and Windows-based computer systems. However, in case you are using a Mac, then simply substitute the ‘Ctrl’ option with the key named ‘Command’. You should press the listed keys simultaneously to activate the shortcut.

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Navigation In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Switching to Mail Ctrl-1
Switching to Calendar Ctrl-2
Switching to Contacts Ctrl-3
Switching to Tasks Ctrl-4
Moving Up One Line Up Arrow
Moving Down One Line Down Arrow
Switching to Notes Ctrl-5
Switch to Inbox Ctrl-Shift-i
Opening the address book Ctrl-Shift-B
Go to any particular folder Ctrl-Y
Delete the previous word Ctrl-Backspace
Delete the next word Ctrl-Delete
Moving to the next email Ctrl-.
Moving to the previous email Ctrl-,

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Searching In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Searching in Outlook Alt-Q
Searching all folders Ctrl-Alt-A
Open Advanced Search option Ctrl-Shift-F
Searching the current folder Ctrl-Alt-K
Searching the subfolders Ctrl-Alt-Z

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Any General Task In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Cancelling a task Esc
Sending and receiving any email F9
Help F1
Printing the chosen item Ctrl-P
Expanding or collapsing the ribbon Ctrl-F1
Align Left Ctrl-L
Align Right Ctrl-R
Align Center Ctrl-E
Spelling Check F7
Making Letters Bold Ctrl-B
Making Letters Italic Ctrl-I
Underline Ctrl-U
Move to another folder Ctrl-Shift-V
Increasing font size Ctrl-]
Decreasing font size Ctrl-[

Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Working With A New Email In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Checking the names Ctrl-K
Sending a message Ctrl-Enter
Forwarding any email in the form of an attachment Ctrl-Alt-F
Forwarding any email message Ctrl-F
Marking any message as unread Ctrl-U
Marking any message as read Ctrl-Q
Replying to any email message Ctrl-R
Reply All to any email message Ctrl-Shift-R
Quick Flag Insert
Open any selected email Enter or Ctrl-O
Flag any message for follow-up Ctrl-Shift-G
Marking any message as “not junk” Ctrl-Alt-J
Searching all the folders Ctrl-Alt-A

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Creating Items In Microsoft Outlook

Purpose Shortcuts
Creating a new email Ctrl-Shift-M
Creating any search folder Ctrl-Shift-P
Creating any new contact Ctrl-Shift-C
Creating any meeting request Ctrl-Shift-Q
Scheduling any new appointment on the calendar Ctrl-Shift-A
Creating any new document Ctrl-Shift-H
Creating any new group of contacts Ctrl-Shift-L
Creating any new Note Ctrl-Shift-N
Creating any new task Ctrl-Shift-K

Shortcuts Of Keyboard for The Purpose Of Working In Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Purpose Shortcuts
Displaying the current month Alt-=
Changing the number of days that the calendar is showing Alt-[number]
Displaying the ongoing week in the calendar Alt-Minus

Advantages Of Using The Keyboard Shortcuts In Outlook

Outlook for mac keyboard shortcuts: There are lots of advantages of using keyboard shortcuts in Outlook. It will no doubt make you much more efficient while working, but also save you a lot of time. Imagine a situation where your mouse stops working and you are in urgent need to send or check any email. This is where these shortcuts are very handy.

Apart from making you efficient, these shortcuts are very helpful for those who have issues like difficulty in mobility or are visually impaired. For them, using a mouse or touching the screen for using the onscreen keyboard is very difficult. These shortcuts will help them to operate freely without any outside help.

Using keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Outlook is also an advantage in situations where the work requires precision. It helps in editing texts and these situations become more accurate to be handled if done with the shortcut keys.

The shortcut keyboard if used with the mouse as well, makes tasks easier. For example, while browsing any email, there are many times when you are required to click links at the same time. Here you can use these keyboard shortcuts to click on these links or browse the mail and do the complementary work with your mouse.

Conclusion on Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts

As you might have comprehended from the above read, using keyboard shortcuts is quite useful. In Microsoft Outlook, such an advantage becomes very handy while you work on your emails. Being on the computer almost all the time, these shortcuts will be of extreme use to you and you can save so much time.

Ubuntu shortcuts keys – Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts | Set of Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts: Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, and it is based on Debian. It mainly consists of free-source software and open-source software. Ubuntu gets a development code name in every release, and their version numbers are denoted by the year and month of delivery. The LTS, or Long-Term Support, releases are the enterprise-grade releases of Ubuntu and are very popular. Canonical publishes an Ubuntu release every six months.

Since the 17.10 version, GNOME has been the default desktop for Ubuntu.

Knowing the Ubuntu keyboard Shortcuts is very useful since it makes your working experience more accessible and smoother. An operating system with the keyboard and mouse combination can also be used, but the keyboard Shortcuts save your time.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Super Key in Ubuntu

Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts: You will find the Super key at the bottom left corner of the keyboard, between the Ctrl key and the Alt key. The Super key is called the system key or the windows critical. The Windows key is called the Super key in Linux. By pressing the Super key, you can

  • Search for the application. If you don’t install the application, the Super key suggests applications from the software center.
  • See the running GUI applications.
  • See the workspace option located on the right side

Some of the Essential Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Ubuntu shortcuts keys: Given below are some of the essential Ubuntu keyboard Shortcuts that will help you in saving your time and increasing your productivity:

Shortcut keys Functions
Ctrl + Shift + N It is used to open a new terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + T Users use it to open a terminal tab on the same window
Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + C Users use it to stop any application which is currently running
Ctrl + R Users use it to search commands which you entered previously
Ctrl + U Users use it to delete the entire line, which is before the cursor
Ctrl + W Users use it to delete an entire word which is before the cursor
Ctrl + K Users use it to delete the entire line, which is after the cursor
Ctrl + Y Users use it to undo the content deleted mistakenly.
Ctrl + L Users use it to clear the terminal
Ctrl + Shift + C Users use it to copy the content which is selected
Ctrl + Shift + V It is used to paste the copied content
Alt + F or Ctrl + Right Arrow Users use it to move a single word forward
Alt + B or Ctrl + Left Arrow Users use it to move a single word backward
Arrow Up or Arrow Down Users use it to scan the previously executed commands
Alt + D Users use it to remove the line which is after the cursor
Shift + Pg Up or Pg Dn Users use it to scroll up or scroll down the terminal
Ctrl + Pg Up Users use it to move to the left tab after opening a new terminal tab
Ctrl + Pg Dn Users use it to move to the right tab after opening a new terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + Pg U It is used to move the current tab to left
Ctrl + Shift + Pg Dn Users use it to move the current tab to the right
Ctrl + D Users use it to close the current terminal tab. In case, if you open only one tab, then the entire terminal will be closed
Ctrl + P Users use it to run through the previously executed set of commands
Ctrl + N Users use it to run through the next executed set of commands
Ctrl + J It is used to enter
Ctrl + Shift + Q Users use it to close all the tabs on the current terminal. It will not close any tabs opened on other terminals
Super + Row Up Users use it to maximize the terminal window
Super + Row Down Users use it to minimize the terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + F Users use it to find through the console of the terminal
Alt + C Users use it to capitalize the alphabet, which is after the cursor.
Use of Tab Users use it to get suggestions on commands

Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Keyboard Shortcuts for Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME version

The keyboard Shortcuts mentioned here are for usage only in the Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME version. Most of them do work on other Ubuntu versions as well, but not all of them. The keyboard shortcuts are listed below:

Keyboard Shortcuts Functions
Ctrl + Alt + T It is a shortcut for opening a new terminal in Ubuntu.
Super + L or Ctrl + Alt + L It locks your screen when you are not working.
Super + D or Ctrl + Alt + D It minimizes the applications which are running and shows the desktop.
Super + A It opens the application menu and shows the installed applications.
Super + Tab or Alt + Tab Users use it to switch between applications when more than one application is running.
Super + Arrow keys Users use it to snap windows. Using the right arrow key, you can snap right, and using the left arrow key, you can snap left.
Super + M Using this, you can open the notification area in GNOME. Pressing it again will result in the closing of the area.
Super + Space Users use it for changing the input keyboards. (If you have more than one keyboard installed)
Alt + F2 Users use it to run a quick command.
Ctrl + Q Users use it to close the running application window
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Users use it to switch or move between workspaces
Ctrl + Alt + Del It is used to log out from Ubuntu
Super + H Users use it to hide current running applications
Shift + Ctrl + Alt It is used to record the Ubuntu desktop

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Ubuntu Terminal

The Shortcuts listed below work in Ubuntu’s built-in GNOME terminal application. If you are not able to the given keyboard Shortcuts, then

  1. Click on menu
  2. Go to the option Preferences and click on Shortcuts in a terminal window
  3. Check the ‘Enable Shortcuts’ box

Using the following keyboard Shortcuts, you can speed up your Linux command experience:

Opening and closing of terminal windows

  • For opening the terminal window: Ctrl + Alt + T or Shift + Ctrl + N
  • For closing the current terminal window: Shift + Ctrl + Q

Terminal Window Tabs

  • For opening a new tab: Shift + Ctrl + T
  • For closing the current tab: Shift + Ctrl + w
  • For moving the tab to the left: Shift + Ctrl + Page Up
  • For moving the tab to the right: Shift + Ctrl + Page Down
  • For switching to the previous tab: Ctrl + Page Up
  • For switching to the next tab: Ctrl + Page Down
  • For switching to Tab 1: Alt + 1
  • For switching to Tab 2: Alt + 2
  • For switching to Tab 3: Alt + 3 and so on, continue to follow the same step to switch tabs
  • For switching to Tab 10: Alt + 0

Command-Line Editing

  • For copying a highlighted text: Shift + Ctrl + C (The mouse should be used for highlighting the text)
  • For pasting the copied text: Shift + Ctrl + V
  • For pasting the copied text in an application: Ctrl + V
  • To move to the start of the command line: Ctrl + A or Home
  • To move to the end of the command line: Ctrl + E or End
  • To move a character backward: Ctrl + B or Left Arrow
  • To move a character forward: Ctrl + F or Right Arrow
  • To hop between the current cursor position and the start of the line: Ctrl + XX (After pressing Ctrl, double press X)

Controlling the display of the terminal

  • For clearing the terminal window: Ctrl + L
  • To stop scrolling output or freeze the output from a program: Ctrl + S
  • To again start scrolling output: Ctrl + Q

Zooming the terminal window

  • For zooming in: Shift + Ctrl ++

For zooming out: Shift + Ctrl + –

For a full screen: F11

For recovering normal size: Ctrl + 0

Searching in a terminal window

To find: Shift + Ctrl + F

For finding the next occurrence of the searched term: Shift + Ctrl + G

For finding the previous occurrence of the searched term: Shift + Ctrl + H

For clearing text highlights: Shift + Ctrl + J

Customization of keyboard Shortcuts

In Ubuntu, you can customize your keyboard Shortcuts and use them by attaching them to some function you want to carry out when using that specific keyboard shortcut.

For creating keyboard Shortcuts, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Firstly, open the System menu
  2. Click on the icon of Settings. A dialogue box will appear
  3. From the dialogue box, click on the option of devices
  4. Under devices, click on the keyboard option
  5. A list of existing keyboard Shortcuts will appear. Scroll down through them and click on the button +, which is at the bottom of the list
  6. Add Custom Shortcut dialogue box appears. Fill up the required details and press the Set shortcut.
  7. An Enter the New Shortcut prompt will appear. After the prompt appears, press the keys you want to use for the shortcut.
  8. Then, click on the green Add button.
  9. Your shortcut is now saved and added to the list of existing Shortcuts.
  10. Lastly, press Super + E to launch your shortcut

Now you can try your shortcut out.

Conclusion on Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Using keyboard Shortcuts will save a lot of your time and gives you a smooth experience. It will increase your productivity while saving your screen time. For users using the Ubuntu application, these Shortcuts will help you to produce accurate data. And as you can make your keyboard Shortcuts, your experience will be much more fun and easy.

YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts | Shortcut Keys While Using YouTube You Need To Know

YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts

YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts: YouTube, the most popular online video player, is a well-loved aspect of our contemporary society, but it has been implementing changes to the online video player since its debut.

Each and every day, Google’s streaming service, YouTube, hits the pinnacle of prominence. The application is provided on a smartphone, Laptop, smart TV, and the web. While mobile applications are credited for most of YouTube’s current popularity, the service is best experienced on the web.

You may enjoy the large screen while simultaneously using keyboard shortcuts to browse the program swiftly.

Without some of the essential keys and secret commands that aren’t readily apparent, Google’s video website would be inconclusive. You can easily and effectively control the volume, pause the video, rewind it, adjust the caption size, vary the playing speed, and much more via keyboard shortcuts.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Using the shortcut keys is a major game-changer since it significantly optimizes your viewing experience while also saving you time. It is not a challenging job to master them.

You might be surprised to learn that YouTube has a vast array of keyboard shortcuts, some of which offer functionalities that are somewhat inaccessible on the web.

You may use the Spacebar to play and pause YouTube videos while watching them. YouTube, on the other hand, features so much more keyboard shortcuts. All of the necessary shortcut keys are listed below.

Table of Content

How to Access The List Of Shortcut Keys?

Youtube shortcuts keys: Click to your profile image and select Keyboard Shortcuts to view a table of shortcut keys. You may also use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+?.

When you drag your mouse over particular player buttons, a keyboard shortcut will pop up. When you drag your cursor over the full-screen symbol, for instance, you’ll get ‘Fullscreen (f),’ suggesting that you may access the full screen by typing the letter f.

Is The Operating System Loaded A Factor In The Built-In Shortcut Keys?

Youtube shortcut keys: Any operating system, whether Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS, may use YouTube’s built-in keyboard shortcuts. Regrettably, they aren’t adjustable.

Shortcut Keys for Video Navigation

Short-cut Key Function
J Rewind 10 Seconds
L Fast-Forward 10 Seconds
K Play/Pause
Space Bar Play/Pause
, Go To Next Frame (While Paused)
. Go To Previous Frame (While Paused)
Home Go To Beginning
0 Go To Beginning
End Go To End
1-9 Go To 10-90%
Note: The portion of the video that the play bar will jump to is relative to the number you select. For instance, pressing 0 will send you back to the start of the clip, while pressing 5 would take you to the midpoint, or 50%. Only the buttons on the seek bar will operate, not the numbers on the numeric keypad.

YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts 1

Short-cut keys for Control Playback

Short-cut Key Function
M Mute/Unmute on the current video tab
Up Increase the volume of the audio (In Full-Screen Mode or If Video Is Focused):
Down Decrease the volume of the audio (In Full-Screen Mode or If Video Is Focused):
> Speed Up Playback Rate
< Slow Down Playback Rate

Short-cut Keys for Interface Navigation

Short-cut Key Function
Space Activate the Highlighted Button
C Activate closed captions and subtitles if available.
To hide captions and subtitles, activate C again.
Shift+1 Move Between H1 Headers
 / Go To YouTube Search Bar
You may also use the arrow keys to choose search options and then press Enter to perform the chosen search
Shift+P Browse To Previous Video in Playlist:
Shift+N Browse To Next Video in Playlist
It will jump to YouTube’s next recommended video if you aren’t browsing a playlist.
F Toggle Full Screen
In Windows PCs, you can easily flip between Fullscreen and Windowed modes by pressing the F11 key on the top panel of the keyboard.
O and W Control the opacity level of the opacity for the text and background of the caption area, if it is enabled, within the video playback.
 I Launch Mini player
The YouTube mini-player is another amazing feature that few people are aware of on YouTube. Yes, you can keep surfing YouTube even when your content is streaming without having to change tabs or anything.
Shift+? View Hotkeys
T Toggle theatre mode for the video playback area.
Esc Close the mini-player or any other current dialogue and context menus

YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts 2

Short-cut keys for Spherical videos

Short-cut Keys Function
w/td> Pan up
a Pan left
s Pan down
d Pan right
+ on numpad or ] Zoom in
– on numpad or [ Zoom out

Add Keyboard Shortcuts via Chrome Extensions

Youtube hot keys: For pretty nearly anything and everything, there is a Chrome extension. To generate and add keyboard shortcuts to your Chrome browser, there are a couple of alternatives. It’s important to keep in mind that it’ll operate in any Chromium-based browser, even Edge and Brave.

You could create a keyboard shortcut for the YouTube web employing the Custom Hotkeys extension.

Conclusion on YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts

Youtube key commands: If you want to spend a bit of time on your way to or from work, or if you wish to break the monotony throughout your leisure time, the ideal method is to watch A youtube video from your preferred creators across the globe.

Likewise, if you’re at home but have some spare moments, you might spend it browsing YouTube videos.

Every one of the shortcut keys could prove very useful if you’re viewing YouTube videos on your Laptop. That way, you could use your keyboard as a computer remote control and simply hit a few keys to browse to and stream your favourite show.

If you wish to view YouTube videos while lying leisurely on your sofa, you may acquire a small and reasonable wireless portable keyboard and use this as a remote control to stream your favourite videos without moving the mouse.

When it comes to YouTube, keyboard shortcuts are absolutely fantastic, and you should take advantage of them.

Shortcuts jupyter notebook – Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts | Most Useful Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Jupyter

Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts

Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts: The article contains all the keyboard shortcuts and text snippets that any programmer would share with others during their long sessions of Pair Programming and have been well-received by a majority of the user. These mentioned can save a person countless hours programming and hope that such shortcut is capable of making someone start utilising some of these techniques to grow a more efficient programmer of Python. If a person spends two weeks practising Jupyter Notebook for analysis of data with Python, then will definitely use the shortcuts to compile a shortlist of all favourite keyboard shortcuts/the ones that most programmers use the most maximum.

For certain shortcuts, one must keep in mind that they can enter Command Mode (to perform actions of notebook-level) by simply pressing Esc, and they can return to Edit Mode (a.k.a. back to writing in cells) by pressing Enter. If a shortcut necessitates Command Mode, then one must specify Esc as the first key.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Table Of Content

What is Jupyter Notebook?

Shortcuts jupyter notebook: Jupyter Notebook is extensively employed for data analysis. If a person started to learn Data Science 2–3 months ago and if they used this tool to explore some datasets (basically a collection of data). They will find that the notebooks documents are documents produced by the Jupyter Notebook App, which can accommodate both code (e.g. Python) and rich text elements like equations, links, paragraphs, etc. The Jupyter Notebook App is an application made for client-server that permits are running and editing notebook documents by a browser.

As a developer, one may prefer to use snippets and shortcuts as much as others do. The Jupyter Notebook App just makes writing code a lot simpler and faster. A programmer must follow one rule: If one started performing some action with the mouse, stop and recall if there is a shortcut present for the task. If there is one – apply it. When one starts using Jupyter Notebook, most of them were unaware of the fact that there are shortcuts for such a tool. Several times, one has to change their cell type from code to markdown, and most of them initially didn’t know-how.

As someone can guess, this caused a person a lot of headaches. To solve this issue, there is a Help > Keyboard Shortcuts link in the menu bar, and one finds that there are a ton of shortcuts present in that Jupyter NotebookIn addition to the shortcuts for the default keyboard, one can also define some of their own. This is accomplished by entering menu options “Help” > “Edit Keyboard Shortcuts” in the Notebook. One must scroll in the dialogue box until they find the action they want and then categorise the key combination in the “add shortcut” option present in the input box.

Note: A person needs to classify the keys by a hyphen (-). One should not forget to click the plus sign button to preserve the new shortcut!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Jupyter notebook hotkeys: In this article, the favourite shortcuts available in The Jupyter Notebook are table down.

First, we necessitate learning about the two modes in the Jupyter Notebook App: command mode and edit mode. And should also memorise all the shortcuts shared within the two modes.

Command mode vs Edit mode

Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts: Jupyter Notebooks have two distinct keyboard input modes, and it is something that to be aware of:

  1. Command mode- binds the notebook-level actions to the keyboard. Symbolised with a blue left margin and by a grey cell border.
  2. Edit mode- when a person is typing in a cell. Symbolised by a green cell border

Practice Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter notebook shortcuts: Practising a few minutes to learn specific shortcuts of the Jupyter Notebook keyboard will help an individual be a more efficient and experienced Python developer. These keyboard shortcuts are some of them that most professional developers found very useful.

These are the shortcuts that professionals practice in their daily work. If one still necessitate something that is not mentioned in these articles, then they can discover it in the keyboard shortcuts dialogue (H). One can also add more shortcuts or edit existing ones from the Help > Edit Keyboard Shortcuts connect in the menu bar. Clicking the loop will begin a dialogue. At the bottom of the tab, there are rules for editing or adding shortcuts. One needs to use hyphens – to designate keys that should be pressed at the same time. For example, a person added a shortcut Ctrl-R for the restart kernel and ran all cells command.

These shortcuts of the Jupyter Notebook are created on my Github repo that one can download and apply to practice these keyboard shortcuts.

Note: that the shortcuts mentioned below are for Linux and Windows users. Nevertheless, for Mac users, they’re distinctive buttons for Ctrl, Alt and Shift:

  • Ctrl: command key ⌘
  • Alt: option ⌥
  • Shift: Shift ⇧

These keyboard shortcuts are for Mac OSX and Jupyter version 4.1.0. For most below-mentioned shortcuts, one can replace cmd for ctrl for Linux or Windows. Or, one can utilise the H keyboard shortcut in Linux or Windows to confirm the appropriate keyboard shortcuts for those operating systems.

Command Mode

Keyboard Shortcuts Functions
shift + enter run the cell and then select below
ctrl + enter run cell
option + enter run cell, insert below
A insert cell above
B insert cell below
C copy cell
V paste cell
D, D delete selected cell
shift + M all the selected cells will be merged, or if only one cell is selected then the current cell with cell below
I , I to interrupt the kernel of the application
0, 0 to restart kernel with a dialog of the application
Y to change the cell to code mode
M change cell to markdown mode (good for documentation)
Enter enter edit mode
Shift+Enter run cell, select below
Ctrl+Enter run cell
Alt+Enter run cell, insert below
Y to code
M to markdown
R to raw
1 to heading 1
2,3,4,5,6 to heading 2,3,4,5,6
Up/K select cell above
Down/J select cell below
A/B insert cell above/below
X cut selected cell
C copy selected cell
Shift+V paste cell above
V paste cell below
Z undo last cell deletion
D delete selected cell
Shift+M merge cell below
Ctrl+S Save and Checkpoint
L toggle line numbers
O toggle output
Shift+O to let the user toggle output scrolling
Esc to close pager
H show keyboard shortcut help dialog
I interrupt kernel
0 restart kernel
Space scroll down
Shift+Space scroll up
Shift ignore
Enter take you into edit mode
H show all shortcuts
Up select cell above
Down select cell below
Shift + Up to extend above all the selected cells
Shift + Down extend selected cells below
A insert cell above
B insert cell below
X cut selected cells
C copy selected cells
V paste cells below
Shift + V paste cells above
D, D (required to press the key twice) to delete all the selected cells
Z in order to undo cell deletion
S to Save and mark a Checkpoint
Y to change the cell type to Code
M to change the cell type to Markdown
P to open the command palette.
Esc + s to save notebook
Esc + a (above), Esc + b (below) to create new cell
Ctrl + enter to Run Cell
c to Copy Cell
v to Paste Cell
Esc + i i to Interrupt Kernel
Esc + 0 0 to Restart Kernel
Esc + f to find and replace your code but not the outputs
Shift + M helps to merge multiple cells together

This dialog helps a person run any command by name. It’s really beneficial when one doesn’t have a shortcut for the required command or if one doesn’t know some shortcut.

While in Command Mode

  1. Press A to insert a new cell preceding the current cell,
  2. Press B to insert a new cell underneath.
  3. Press M to modify the current cell to Markdown,
  4. Press Y to transform it back to code
  5. Press D + D (press the key twice) to delete all the selected current cell
  6. Press Enter will take the programmer from the command mode terminal into edit mode for the assigned cell.
  7. Press Shift + Tab will display the user the Docstring (documentation) for the object the person has just typed in a code cell – they can continue pressing this shortcut to toggle through some modes of documentation.
  8. Press Ctrl + Shift + will actually split the current cell into two from where the person cursor is placed at that time.
  9. Press Esc + F helps to find and replace the code of the user but not the outputs.
  10. Press Esc + O to toggle all of the cell output.

Select Multiple Cells

Jupyter notebook shortcut: Press Shift + J or Shift + Down selects the next cell in a downwards direction. One can also select cells in an upwards direction by simply pressing Shift + Up or Shift + K.

Once cells are selected, one can then copy / cut / paste / run / delete them as a batch. This is convenient when one needs to move specific parts of a notebook.

One can also utilise Shift + M to merge multiple cells.

Edit Mode

One can press Enter to enable to be in Edit Mode

Esc takes the user into command mode

(press Enter to activate)

Keyboard Shortcuts Functions
cmd + click – helps in multi-cursor editing
option + scrolling click – enables column editing
cmd + / – toggle comment lines
tab – code completion or indent
shift + tab – tooltip
ctrl + shift + – split cell
Tab -code completion or indent
Shift+Tab -tooltip
Ctrl+] -indent
Ctrl+[ -dedent
Ctrl+A -select all
Ctrl+Z -undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z -redo
Ctrl+Y -redo
Ctrl+Home -go to cell start
Ctrl+Up -go to cell start
Ctrl+End -go to cell end
Ctrl+Down -go to cell end
Ctrl+Left -go one word left
Ctrl+Right -go one word right
Ctrl+Backspace -delete word before
Ctrl+Delete -delete word after
Esc -command mode
Ctrl+M -command mode
Ctrl+Shift+minus -split cell
Ctrl+S -Save and Checkpoint
Up -move cursor up or the previous cell
Down -move cursor down or next cell
Ctrl+/ -toggle comment on current or selected lines
Shift + Tab -tooltip
Ctrl + ] -indent
Ctrl + [ -dedent
Ctrl + A -select all
Ctrl + Z -undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z or Ctrl + Y -redo
Ctrl + Home -go to cell start
Ctrl + End -go to cell end
Ctrl + Left -go one word left
Ctrl + Right -go one word right
Ctrl + Shift + P -open the command palette
Down -move the cursor down
Up -move the cursor up

Select Multiple Cells

While in Command Mode

Command Mode

Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Jupyter

Text Snippets

Text snippets enable a person or a professional coder to keep things consistent and save time typing.

For any text snippets, the usual recommendation is Textexpander which is exclusively made for Mac OSX only. However, Windows users, can use PhraseExpress and in the past which serves well too.

For quick imports for all favourite packages of an individual user:

Constantly importing the same packages or/and forget what that package that a person always uses is named. People like to store their default imports in a snippet. The article recommends individuals create a similar snippet and tune it to their preferences.

  • To run the current cell: Press Ctrl + Enter
  • To run the current cell and move to the next one: Press Shift + Enter
  • To delete the current cell: Press Esc + D + D (double press)
  • To insert a new (code) cell above the current cell: Press Esc + A
  • To insert a new (code) cell below the current cell: Press Esc + B
  • To change the current cell’s type to markdown: Press Esc + M
  • To change the current cell’s type to code: Press Esc + Y
  • To collapse all cells: Press Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
  • To uncollapse all cells: Press Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
  • To restart kernel and run all cells: Press Shift + R
  • To Toggle all cells output collapsed (collapse all cells’ output): Press Ctrl + Shift + O
  • To Clear all cells output: Press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + O

Esc will take the person into command mode where they can navigate around their notebook with arrow keys.

Android Studio Shortcut Keys | Most Important Shortcut Keys for Andriod Studio

Android Studio Shortcut Keys

Android Studio Shortcut Keys: Humankind has seen various changes throughout the years. One of the most extensive changes in humankind is the development of technology over the years. The technological sector controls a country’s economy and future; hence, it is an integral part of society and human life.

Computers are electronic computational devices that allow users to carry out simple and very complex calculations electronically.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

In today’s world, most of the careers centered around industrial or technological development have made the use of computers mandatory and created to advance various fields existing in society.

Most jobs related to these fields demand precise and quality content from their clients and have made the use of computers mandatory for the completion of a simple task; hence having computer knowledge is a requirement to secure any job presently in the world.

Computer developers have sought to make computation easier for users worldwide to decrease workload and increase efficiency. One of the significant steps taken to reduce the pressure of learning computers and applying computer knowledge to the task at hand is developing keyboard shortcut keys.

This article discusses the shortcut keys included in the keyboard that users must have in-depth knowledge about in the present scenario to secure the dream job that has to do with the technology sector.

Table of Content

What Is Meant By The Phrase ‘Shortcut Keys’?

Android studio keyboard shortcuts: Keyboards are an integral part that helps users to have control over a computer system. They make an extremely important functional segment of a computer system.

Computer keyboards are made of several keys designed to serve a range of various purposes while used by users worldwide.

Developers of electronic computers have come up with a range of different key groups that invoke a response from the computer system according to the users’ needs when used in a specific way.

This set of keys that helps achieve the desired outcome in less time and by spending less effort is known as ‘keyboard shortcut keys.’ Shortcut keys have myriad benefits to offer to its users that are explained in detail below.

A List of General Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Android studio shortcuts: Given below is a List of the generally used Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys.

Keys used Function
Ctrl + S Used to save all projects
Ctrl + Alt + Y Used to synchronize items
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Used to maximize or minimize the editor
Alt + Shift + F Used to add file to favourites
Alt + Shift + I Used to inspect the current file with current profile
Ctrl + Backquote sign Used as a quick switch scheme
Ctrl + Alt + S Used to open dialog settings
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Used to open the dialog box for project structure
Ctrl + Tab Button Used to switch between tabs and tool windows
Ctrl + Plus Sign Used to zoom in content
Ctrl + Minus Sign Used to zoom out content
Ctrl + O Used to zoom content to fit
Spacebar + Click and Drag Used as pan function
Ctrl + B Used to go to XML
Ctrl + G Used to group items into a nested group
Tab button or Shift + Tab button Used to cycle through multiple destinations
E Used to control render error panel
Ctrl + A Used to select all the destinations
Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click Used to select multiple destinations under navigation tools

Android Studio Shortcut Keys 2

A List of Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Navigation and Searching

Below is a List of the Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for Navigation and Searching:

Keys used Function
Press the Shift button twice Used to search all options such as codes, menus, etc.
Ctrl + F Used as the find option
F3 Used to find next content
Shift + F3 Used to find the previous content
Ctrl + R Used as a replace function in Android Studio
Ctrl + Shift + A Used to find action
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Used to search by symbol names
Ctrl + N Used to find class
Ctrl + Shift + F Used to find in path
Ctrl + F12 Used to open the file structure
Alt + Right Arrow or Left Arrow Key Used to navigate between the open editor tabs
Ctrl + Enter or F4 Used to jump to the source
Shift + F4 Used to open the current editor tab in a new window
Ctrl + E Used to display recently opened files
Ctrl + Shift + E Used to display the recently edited files
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Key Used to go to the last edit location
Ctrl + F4 Used to close the active editor tab
Esc Key Used to return from the tool window to the editor window
Shift + Esc Key Used to hide the currently active or last active tool
Ctrl + Shift + H Used to open method hierarchy

A List of Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Viewing and Editing Layouts

Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for Viewing and Editing Layouts:

Keys used Function
Ctrl + plus sign Used to zoom in
Ctrl + minus sign Used to zoom out
Ctrl + O Used to zoom to fit size
Spacebar + click and drag Used to activate pan
B Used to control design and blueprint modes
O Used to control the portrait and landscape modes
D Used to control devices
R Used to force the refresh function
E Used to control render errors in the panel
Ctrl + Click or Del key Used to delete the constraints
Ctrl + B Used to go to XML
Ctrl + A Used to select all the components
Shift + click or Ctrl + Click Used to selects multiple components
Alt + Insert Key Used to generate the codes such as getters, setters, equals, new files, etc.
Ctrl + G Used to group into nested graphs
Tab button or Shift + Tab button Used to cycle through different destinations

A List of Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Debugging and Refactoring

Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for the purpose of Debugging and Refactoring are discussed below:

Keys used Function
Shift + F9 Used as the debug function
F7 Used as a step into function
Shift + F7 Used as the smart step into option
Shift + F8 Used as step out option
Alt + F9 Used to run to the cursor
Alt + F8 Used to evaluate the expression
F9 Used to resume a program
Ctrl + F8 Used to toggle the breakpoints in the program
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Used to view the breakpoints
F5 Used as the copy option
F6 Used as the move option
Alt + Del Key Used as the safe delete option
Shift + F6 Used to rename programs
Ctrl + F6 Used to change the signature
Ctrl + Alt + N Used as Inline function
Ctrl + Alt + V Used to extract variable
Ctrl + Alt + F Used to extract field
Ctrl + Alt + M Used to extract method
Ctrl + Alt + C Used to extract constant
Ctrl + Alt + P Used to extract parameter

Android Studio Shortcut Keys 1

A List of Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Local History Control and Build and Run Commands

The List of essential Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Local History Control and Build and Run Commands are compiled below:

Keys used Function
Ctrl + F9 Used as the build command
Shift + F10 Used to activate the build and run command
Ctrl + F10 Used to apply the changes and restart the activity
Ctrl + Alt + F10 Used to apply the code changes
Ctrl + K Used to commit a project to VCS
Ctrl + T Used to update a project from VCS
Alt + Shift + C Used to view the recent changes
Alt + Backquote Used to open VCs group

A List of Android Studio Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Local History Control and Build and Run Commands

Conclusion on Android Studio Shortcut Keys

Keyboard shortcut keys aid users in a plethora of ways, as discussed explicitly in this article. They help users achieve precision in work and help them finish their tasks faster than the general methods of computing, which involve several necessary steps.

Android Studio keyboard shortcuts can come in handy when users want to achieve faster results but simultaneously maintain the quality of their work.

It cuts downtime and helps produce quality content which jobs are usually in demand in the current scenario. Hence having knowledge of keyboard shortcut keys can benefit users in ways that will help them manage work-related problems and their lives better.

Blender list of shortcuts – Blender Keyboard Shortcuts | List of All Common Shortcuts for Blender

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts: Blender is a powerful open-source 3D and 2D animation program or computer graphics software that anyone can use free of cost. Whether you are an animator, modeller, VFX artist, or game developer, Blender is the best option. Hence to increase your productivity and enhance your workflow, you can also take the help of keyboard shortcut keys. This article below lists the most helpful keyboard shortcuts keys to learn and apply to your work.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Blender Shortcut Keys

Keyboard Shortcut Keys – Blender for Beginners

Blender list of shortcuts: If you are a new user of Blender and are trying the program to write your new 3D or 2D animation, these Blender commands will be very helpful for you. All the commands mentioned below are recognised universally as Blender Keyboard Shortcuts over all the different Blender versions. Below are all the most commonly used Blender keyboard shortcut keys and their functions that Blender users around the globe use:

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Properties

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + C Copy the value (single) of the button
Ctrl + V Paste the value (single) of the button
Ctrl +Alt + C Copy the complete vector or the colour field
Ctrl +Alt + V Paste vector as entirely or the whole colour field
RMB (Right Mouse Button) It opens the context menu
Backspace Clears the value (clears a text field or sets the value to 0)
Minus Negate the number values (multiply by
Ctrl + Wheel (Mouse Scrolling Wheel) Change the value in incremental steps, and this option cycles the values for the popup option
Return/Enter Activates the menus or toggles the values
Alt It applies the change to all the selected items, including objects, sequence strips and bones when held while editing values. It can also be used for number fields and toggles

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Animation

Keyboard Shortcut Function
I Insert a keyframe
Alt +I Clear the keyframe
Shift +Alt + I Clear all keyframes (removing all F)
Ctrl + D Assign a driver
Ctrl + Alt + D Clear the driver
K Add a Keying Set
Alt + K Clear the Keying Set

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Beginners – Python Scripting

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + C Over any Operator Button, this shortcut copies the Python command into the clipboard (This program shortcut can be used in a Python console or in the Text Editor during script writing)
Shift + Ctrl + C Over any property button, this shortcut is used to copy the data path of the property. This feature is also available in the context menu
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C Over the property buttons, this command copies the entire data path for the data, property and block. (Note: The best way is to access values based on the context rather than by name in most cases)

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Beginners – Text Editing

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Home It goes to the beginning of the text
End It goes to the ending of the text
Left, Right Move the cursor left or right (moves one character at once)
Ctrl + Left, Ctrl + Right Moves the cursor left or right through an entire word
Backspace, Delete Deletes the characters
Ctrl + Backspace, Ctrl + Delete Deletes the entire word
Shift Used to make a selection while moving the cursor and simultaneously holding the Shift key
Ctrl + A It selects the entire text
Ctrl + C It copies the text selected
Ctrl + X It cuts the text selected
Ctrl + V Pastes the text at the cursor’s position

Blender SHortcut Keys 2

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Beginners – Global Keys and Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + O Open File
Ctrl + S Save File
Ctrl + N New File
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + Q Quit
F1 Help (context Sensitive)
F2 Rename Active Item
F3 Operator Search
F4 File Context Menu
F5 F8
F9 Adjust the Last operation
F11 Show render window
F12 Render the current frame
Q Quick Access (Favourites)
Ctrl + Spacebar Toggle Maximize Area
Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar Toggle Fullscreen Area
Ctrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Page Down Next/Previous Workspace
Spacebar User-configurable
Shift + Ctrl + Spacebar Playback Animations (reverse)

Blender SHortcut Keys 1

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts for Dragging

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl While dragging to snap, it gives discrete and accurate steps
Shift It gives the values a precision control
Shift + Ctrl Precise snap – this command moves the object with high precision along with the snapping constraint

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts to Confirm or Cancel

Keyboard Shortcut Function
ESC or RMB (Right Mouse Button) Cancels
Enter or LMB (Left Mouse Button) Confirms

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Common Editor Keys

Keyboard Shortcut Function
A Select all
Alt + A Select none
Ctrl + I Invert selection
H Hide selection
Alt + H Reveal Hidden Items
T Toggle Sidebar
N Toggle Sidebar

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – 3D Viewport

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Tab Edit mode toggle
Ctrl + Tab Mode switching of pie menu (toggles pose mode for armatures)
1 – 3 Edit Mesh vertex/edge/face toggle (Shift extends, Ctrl expands)
AccentGrave (`) 3D view navigation pie menu
Ctrl + AccentGrave (`) Toggle gizmos
Shift + AccentGrave (`) Walk/Fly mode

Industry Compatible Keymapping – Blender for Beginners

Blender redo command: The keymap is for people who are already accustomed to other 3D packages, who wish to use Blender as part of their work, or who want to switch to Blender outright. However, it is not for the existing Blender users, although they are free to use it if they wish.

Below is the list that shows standard keys used in the Industry Compatible Keymapping.

Blender Commands – General

Keyboard Shortcut Function
1 to 9 Mode/Element Switching
RMB (Right Mouse Button) Context Menu
Tab Operator search
Shift + Tab Quick Access (Favourites)
Ctrl + D Duplicate
P Set Parent
Return Rename
Ctrl + Return Render
B Proportional Editing/Soft Selection
Ctrl + [ toggle toolbar
Ctrl +] toggle sidebar

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Viewport

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Alt + LMB (Left Mouse Button) Orbit View
Alt + MMB (Middle Mouse Button) Pan View
Alt + RMB (Right Mouse Button) Zoom View
F1 to F4 Front/Side/Top camera viewpoints
F Frame Selected
A Frame All

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Selection

Keyboard Shortcut Function
LMB (Left Mouse Button) Select
Ctrl + A Select All
Shift + Ctrl + A Deselect All
Ctrl + I Select Inverse
Up Select more
Down Select less
Double LMB (Left Mouse Button) Select Loop
Alt + Double LMB (Left Mouse Button) Select Ring
] Select linked

Blender Commands – Tools

Keyboard Shortcut Function
W, E, R Transform Tools
Q Box Select
D Annotate
C Cursor Tool

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Edit Mode Tools

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Ctrl + E Extrude
Ctrl + B Bevel
I Inset
K Knife
Alt + C Loop Cut

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Animation

Keyboard Shortcut Function
Spacebar Play/Pause
S Set Location + Rotation + Scale Keyframe
Shift + S Insert Keyframe Menu
Shift + W Set Location Key
Shift + E Set Rotation Key
Shift + R Set Scale Key

Blender Keyboard Shortcuts – Platform-specific Hotkeys (macOS)

Blender shortcuts mac: For macOS, the Cmd key is used as an alternative for the Ctrl key. It works perfectly with a few exceptions that may not work correctly with the Mac operating system. The list of other macOS specific Blender shortcut keys are:

  • Cmd + Comma (,) – Preferences.

Can these Blender Keyboard Shortcuts work on any version of Blender?

As said earlier, all the Blender commands discussed above can be used across all the versions and variants of Blender. The commands also work seamlessly on devices with other operating systems such as macOS by replacing the Ctrl key with the Cmd key. The compatibility of the Blender keyboard shortcuts is subject to the program’s developers and can be provided or revoked at their choice.

Tie Breaker Apps

All apps in the 3D industry may not agree on which shortcuts to use. Hence, we want to rely on a ‘tie breaker’ app that decides the hotkey when no standard exists. When the tie-breaker app has no hotkey set, we can use one of the other apps’ hotkeys.

The tie-breaker apps are:

  • Modelling & Animation: Maya
  • Painting & Sculpting: Zbrush

Conclusion on Blender Keyboard Shortcuts

Finally, as you can already see, these simple shortcut keys will help you save up a lot of time and effort and make your journey using Blender seamless. This article will always help you overcome the difficulties while using Blender and will help in boosting your creativity while reducing the hard work.

Smiley faces keyboard shortcuts – Smiley Keyboard Shortcuts | Shortcut Keys for Smiley, Emoji and Emoticons | Keyboard Tips & Tricks

Smiley Keyboard Shortcuts

Smiley Keyboard Shortcuts: Smiley also is widely known as emoji or emoticon, is used by users for expressing their emotions when communicating with someone over any social platform. With the exponential growth of modern life and various new social media platforms gaining popularity, smiley has become an integral part of all kinds of interactions.

When using mobile phones, emoticons have been assigned separate buttons on the keyboard. However, when using a desktop or laptop it is not the same scenario. You need not search for smiley faces keyboard shortcuts anywhere on How to Make Emojis on your Computer or Mobile Phone as in this article, we are going to discuss how to add emojis to any text by using keyboard shortcuts.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

Smiley Keyboard Shortcuts

Methods for Using Emoji or Smiley in Texts

Smiley face shortcut: One can use the alt key shortcuts (as mentioned in the columns of the table below) on PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Excel, and other Office documents. Hold one of the alt keys present on the keyboard and then press the numbers on the number pad. Keep in mind, these shortcuts are going to work on the keyboard with a number pad.

For instance, pressing the alt and 128110 keys is going to give the police officer emoji.

Most Commonly Used Keyboard Smiley Shortcuts

Emoticons keyboard shortcut: Emoticons are used for making a virtual conversation for lively and fun. The following listed smiley shortcuts are the ones we all use in our daily lives. You will learn how to type laughing emoji on keyboard, smiley keyboard shortcuts for emoticons, windows keyboard shortcuts for smileys, and a lot more in this article. Using these keyboard shortcuts will help in making all conversations more vibrant.

Shortcut Emoticon 
🙂 Smiley face
🙂 Smiley face
:] Content face
😉 Winky face
😉 Winky face
😀 Thrilled face
😀 Thrilled face
;P Goofy face
;-P Goofy face
😛 Silly face
😛 Silly face
8) Cool guy face
😎 Cool guy face
😐 Blank face


Blank face

Sad face

🙁 Sad face
o_O Grossed out face
o.O Grossed out face
:/ Sick face
:-/ Sick face
:O Surprised face
:-O Surprised face
O_O Tweak face
O.O Tweak face
o_o Grossed out face
#) Poundie
#-) Poundie
^.^ Nerdie Poundie
^_^ Nerdie Poundie
^^ Nerdie Poundie
😡 Kissy face
😡 Kissy face

Smiley Keyboard Shortcuts 1

How to Add Emojis or Smiley on Mac (keyboard shortcut): CTRL + CMD + Space

  1. Click on any of the text fields: Position the cursor in any text field where one would like to add an emoji. For example, one can do this in any Buffer post.
  2. Press Command + Control + Space: Press the Command key and Control key on the Mac keyboard and then press on the Space key.
  3. Choose the emojis from the list: Now the emoji keyboard palette will launch within the screen. One can scroll through all the available categories and emojis (People, Food & Drink, Nature, Celebration, Symbols, Activity, Travel & Places, Flags, and Objects) or search from the full list of emoticons from the search box situated at the window top.
  4. Click for adding the emoji to the text: Once the user has found the emoji that they would like to add, click on that and it’ll appear in the text box to the left of the cursor.

How to Add Emojis or Smiley on Windows: Touch keyboard

Emoji keystrokes: Update: There’s now a shortcut keyboard for Windows. Press Windows + (;) (semi-colon) or Windows + (.) (period) to open the emoji keyboard.

  1. Open the Touch Keyboard: Click on the icon of Touch Keyboard in the bottom right corner of the computer screen.
  2. Click on the smiley emoji icon: Once the window keyboard has opened up, click on the smiley face icon beside the Control button on the keyboard.
  3. Choose the emoji of your choice: The keyboard will now change to an emoji keyboard and one can select the emoji that the user likes to add to their text field.

Typing Symbols into Windows 10

Smiley using keyboard: In case one doesn’t have a keyboard with any number pad, one can use the on-screen keyboard present in Windows to perform the tasks. For finding the keyboard in Windows 10, roll the cursor over to the right lower side of the screen and then right-click on the taskbar. Now, click on Touch Show Keyboard Button. One can then long-tap or long-hold on the mouse down on any of the given letters to find symbols and various other alternate characters.

  1. Step 1 – Open the word processor and then locate either the Alt key on the keyboard. Usually, the Alt keys are situated at either side of the spacebar.
  2. Step 2 – Scan the given lists below for the symbol that the user wants to type out.
  3. Step 3 – Make sure the cursor is placed in the place where the user wants to insert the symbol of their choice. Now enter the corresponding keyboard shortcuts. For Example, holding the Alt key on the keyboard and pressing the 1 key on the Numpad is going to insert a smiley face (☺) in the copy.

Adding Symbols Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Smiley face keyboard shortcut outlook: Apart from smiley faces (or emojis), you can use the keyboard shortcuts for adding symbols to the texts. In this following table, we have listed symbols such as – emojis, mathematical symbols, upper- and lower-case accented letters, and many more. If you want to use the emojis of your choice you can check out our comprehensive collection available in this article.


Keys  Symbol    
Alt + 1
Alt + 2
Alt + 3



Keys Symbol
Alt + 0169 ©
Alt + 0153
Alt + 0174 ®


Mathematical Symbols

Keys  Symbol    
Alt + 35 #
Alt + 241 ±
Alt + 0188 ¼
Alt + 0189 ½
Alt + 0190 ¾
Alt + 0247 ÷
Alt + 60 <
Alt + 62 >
Alt + 242
Alt + 243

Mathematical Symbols

Uppercase Accented Letters

Keys  Symbol  
Alt + 0192 À
Alt + 0193 Á
Alt + 0194 Â
Alt + 0195 Ã
Alt + 0196 Ä
Alt + 0199 Ç
Alt + 0200 È
Alt + 0201 É
Alt + 0202 Ê
Alt + 0203 Ë
Alt + 0204 Ì
Alt + 0205 Í
Alt + 0206 Ú
Alt + 0207 Û
Alt + 165 Ñ
Alt + 0210 Ò
Alt + 0211 Ó
Alt + 0212 Ô
Alt + 0213 Õ
Alt + 0214 Ö
Alt + 0217 Ù
Alt + 0218 Ú
Alt + 0219 Û
Alt + 0220 Ü
Alt + 0221 Ý
Alt + 0159 Ÿ
Alt + 0142 Ž

Lowercase Accented letters

Keys  Symbol                     
Alt + 0224 à
Alt + 0225 á
Alt + 0226 â
Alt + 0227 ã
Alt + 0228 ä
Alt + 0229 å
Alt + 0230 æ
Alt + 0231 ç
Alt + 0232 è
Alt + 0233 é
Alt + 0234 ê
Alt + 0235 ë
Alt + 0236 ì
Alt + 0237 í
Alt + 0238 î
Alt + 0239 ï
Alt + 164 ñ
Alt + 0242 ò
Alt + 0243 ó
Alt + 0244 ô
Alt + 0245 õ
Alt + 0246 ö
Alt + 0154 š
Alt + 0249 ù
Alt + 151 ù
Alt + 150 û
Alt + 0252 ü
Alt + 0253 ý
Alt + 0255 ÿ
Alt + 0158 ž


Keys  Symbol
Alt + 0164 ¤
Alt + 155 ¢
Alt + 156 £
Alt + 157 ¥
Alt + 158
Alt + 159 ƒ

Special Keys (Available On Mobile Phones)

Keys  Function
Alt + 169 Copyright
Alt + 126980 Mahjong Red Dragon
Alt + 174 Registered
Alt + 127183 Joker
Alt + 127358 O (Blood Type) Button
Alt + 127344 A (Blood Type) Button
Alt + 127345 B (Blood Type) Button
Alt + 127359 P Button
Alt + 127374 AB (Blood Type) Button
Alt + 127377 CL Button
Alt + 127378 Cool Button
Alt + 127377 CL Button
Alt + 127379 Free Button
Alt + 127380 ID Button
Alt + 127382 NG Button
Alt + 127383 OK Button
Alt + 127381 New Button
Alt + 127384 SOS Button
Alt + 127386 Vs Button
Alt + 127385 Up! Button
Alt + 127489 Japanese “Here” Button
Alt + 127514 Japanese “Free Of Charge” Button
Alt + 127490 Japanese “Service Charge” Key
Alt + 127535 Japanese “Reserved” Button
Alt + 127538 Japanese “Prohibited” Button
Alt + 127540 Japanese “Passing Grade” Button
Alt + 127541 Japanese “No Vacancy” Button
Alt + 127539 Japanese “Vacancy” Button
Alt + 127543 Japanese “Monthly Amount” Button
Alt + 127542 Japanese “Not Free Of Charge” Key
Alt + 127545 Japanese “Discount” Button
Alt + 127546 Japanese “Open For Business” Key
Alt + 127568 Japanese “Bargain” Button
Alt + 127544 Japanese “Application” Button
Alt + 127569 Japanese “Acceptable” Button
Alt + 127744 Cyclone
Alt + 127745 Foggy
Alt + 127746 Closed Umbrella
Alt + 127747 Night With Stars
Alt + 127748 Sunrise Over Mountains
Alt + 127749 Sunrise
Alt + 127750 Cityscape At Dusk
Alt + 127751 Sunset
Alt + 127752 Rainbow
Alt + 127753 Bridge At Night
Alt + 127754 Water Wave
Alt + 127755 Volcano
Alt + 127756 Milky Way
Alt + 127757 Globe Showing Europe-Africa
Alt + 127758 Globe Showing Americas
Alt + 127759 Globe Showing Asia-Australia
Alt + 127760 Globe With Meridians
Alt + 127761 New Moon
Alt + 127762 Waxing Crescent Moon
Alt + 127763 First Quarter Moon
Alt + 127764 Waxing Gibbous Moon
Alt + 127765 Full Moon
Alt + 127766 Waning Gibbous Moon
Alt + 127767 Last Quarter Moon Key
Alt + 127768 Waning Crescent Moon
Alt + 127769 Crescent Moon
Alt + 127770 New Moon Face
Alt + 127771 First Quarter Moon Face
Alt + 127772 Last Quarter Moon Face
Alt + 127773 Full Moon Face
Alt + 127774 Sun With Face
Alt + 127775 Glowing Star
Alt + 127776 Shooting Star
Alt + 127777 Thermometer
Alt + 127780 Sun Behind Small Cloud
Alt + 127781 Sun Behind Large Cloud
Alt + 127782 Sun Behind Rain Cloud
Alt + 127783 Cloud With Rain
Alt + 127784 Cloud With Snow
Alt + 127785 Cloud With Lightning
Alt + 127786 Tornado
Alt + 127787 Fog
Alt + 127788 Wind Face
Alt + 127789 Hot Dog
Alt + 127790 Taco
Alt + 127791 Burrito
Alt + 127792 Chestnut
Alt + 127793 Seedling
Alt + 127794 Evergreen Tree
Alt + 127795 Deciduous Tree
Alt + 127796 Palm Tree
Alt + 127797 Cactus
Alt + 127798 Hot Pepper
Alt + 127799 Tulip
Alt + 127800 Cherry Blossom
Alt + 127801 Rose
Alt + 127802 Hibiscus
Alt + 127803 Sunflower
Alt + 127804 Blossom
Alt + 127805 Ear Of Corn
Alt + 127806 Sheaf Of Rice
Alt + 127807 Herb
Alt + 127808 Four Leaf Clover
Alt + 127809 Maple Leaf
Alt + 127810 Fallen Leaf
Alt + 127811 Leaf Fluttering In Wind

Three Simple-Yet-Successful Ways Of Using Emojis In The Marketing

  • As a Response: Emojis or smiley can be an excellent way of responding to people over social media. Instead of just ‘liking’ or ‘favouriting’ any post, an emoji or smiley can convey a particular emotion. For instance, if something made a person laugh, the joy or happy or laughing emoji could be an excellent one to react with.
  • For Representing A Topic: No matter what the topic is, there’s undoubtedly an emoji that an individual can use to represent it. For instance, if an individual sharing a video over any social media platform, the person could use the video emoticon for highlighting that fact.
  • To Summarize An Individual’s Status: In few ways, emoticons are enhancing our language. What used to take some sentences can now be summarized using a few emoticons. In social media updates, people regularly use emojis or smiley for outlining the topic the person is talking about at the end of sentences.


The keyboard shortcuts will help you in making your conversations and writing more lively and cheerful adding more emotions to it. In this writing, we have listed all the smiley, emoticons, symbols which will help you in expressing your emotions with these emojis.

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts | List of VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts: The development of technology has graveled the way for creating new ideas for the advancement of humankind. After the Industrial Revolution, the technological sector has seen a massive upliftment through the years.

To supply the requirements of the modern age, technical analysts have developed the use of computers in the daily lives of people employed in such sectors of society.

Computer technology development is a robust criterion that is highly important in the communicational and educational sectors. It has made access to previously unreachable areas and education services more accessible and more convenient.

Wondering How to explore & learn Shortcut Keys for various Operating Systems, Computer Software Programs, Social media applications Keyboards? Here is the one-stop destination for all Keyboard Shortcuts, just take a look & memorize regularly for better performance in competitive exams & real-time situations.

The drastic development of computers has also made the records of thousands of client data and their management more organized and secure than before.

Computers are designed according to sophisticated rules for further development of technology and bring about necessary changes in the world by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence.

These computer systems consist of a variety of applications and software for use by clients worldwide. Some applications are for editing, while others are for documentation or presentation of data in job-related scenarios.

This article consists of information about the Keyboard Shortcut Keys of one such vital Application known as the VLC Media Player.

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts

What is Meant by the Phrase ‘Shortcut Keys’?

VLC player shortcut keys: Computers consist of various units. One such unit of vital importance is the Keyboard. It consists of multiple keys, including numbers, alphabets, Special Characters, and much more. These keys perform diverse functions when used in a particular situation while computing results.

Sometimes, some keys, among all the keys included in the Keyboard, are grouped and used in such a way that the computer signals the system to generate a response to the current problem.

These grouped keys are called “Keyboard Shortcut Keys.” Only if users use them in the correct order will they invoke the desired response from the system.

These keys are crucial to the development of workplace conditions. By using Shortcut keys, users can benefit in a varied number of ways. Shortcut keys also make the process of computation much faster and free of trouble.

The VLC Player consists of numerous shortcut keys, and users can use them to achieve better application performance and save time.

A-List of the VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Menu and Settings

VLC shortcut keys: Given below is a list of the VLC Player Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Menu and Settings.

Keys used Function
Ctrl + B Used to ass the content as a bookmark
Ctrl + C Used to open capture device
Ctrl + D Used to open disc properties
Ctrl + E Used to open extended settings
Ctrl + F Used to open a specific folder
Enter Key Used to select the menu entry for DVD
Ctrl + H Used to hide or show menu
Ctrl + I Used to show media information
Ctrl + J Used to code information
Ctrl + L Used to hide or show playlists
Ctrl + M Used to start messages command
Ctrl + N Used to open the network stream
Ctrl + O Used to open any file
Ctrl + P Used as the preferences menu
Ctrl + R Used to convert or save a media
Ctrl + S Used to start streaming
Ctrl + T Used to go to a specific time
Ctrl + V Used to paste the location and MRL
Ctrl + Shift + W Used to display VLM Configuration
R Used to play a random media

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts 2

A List of VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Display and Audio

VLC hot keys: Below is a list of the basic VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for Display and Audio.

Keys used Function
J Used to decrease the audio delay
B Used to cycle the audio track
Shift + A Used to cycle the audio device
Ctrl + Up Arrow Key Used to increase the volume of the current content
Ctrl + Down Arrow Key Used to decrease the volume of the current content
M Used as the mute option in VLC Player
I Used to display the controller in full-screen mode
Z Used as the zoom function
Shift + Z Used to reset page zoom
F Used to control full-screen mode
Page Up Key Used to minimize the viewpoint
Page Down Key Used to expand the viewpoint
Alt + 1 Used as 1:4 quarter crop
Alt + 2 Used as 1:2 half crop
Alt + 3 Used as 1:1 original crop
Alt + 4 Used as 2:1 double crop
A Used to cycle the aspect ratio
Alt + O Used to increase the scale factor
Alt + Shift + O Used to decrease the scale factor
Shift + D Used to cycle deinterlace mode in VLC Player

A List of VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Playback

VLC keyboard shortcuts: VLC Media Player Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for playback purposes:

Keys used Function
Spacebar Used to play or pause the current content playing in VLC Player
S Used to stop the current item in VLC Player
Plus sign Used to increase the rate
Minus Sign Used to decrease the rate
] key Used to make the play rate faster (fine)
[ key Used to slow the play rate in VLC Player (fine)
= sign Used to play at the normal rate
Shift + Left Arrow Key Used to go backward by 3 seconds in VLC Player
Shift + Right Arrow Key Used to forward by 3 seconds in VLC Player
Ctrl + Left Arrow Key Used to go backward by 1 minute in VLC Player
Ctrl + Right Arrow Key Used to forward by 1 minute in VLC Player
Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow Key Used to go backward by 10 minutes in VLC Player
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow Key Used to forward by 10 minutes in VLC Player
N Used to go forward to the next track
P Used to `go back to the previous track
T Used to check the current position or time
L Used as the repeat, loop or normal play option in VLC Player
E Used to go to the next frame in VLC Player
Shift + M Used to open disc menu
Shift + O Used to go back to the previous title in VLC Player
Shift + B Used to skip to the next title in VLC Player
Shift + P Used to return to the previous chapter in VLC Player
Shift + N Used to turn to the next chapter in VLC Player
Shift + Q Used to quit the VLC Media Player

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts 1

A List of VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Playlist and Subtitles

VLC player keyboard shortcuts: VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys used for the purpose of managing playlists and subtitles are discussed below in detail:

Keys used Function
Ctrl + F1 to Ctrl + F10 Used to set playlist bookmarks from 1 to 10
F1 to F10 Used to play the bookmarks 1 to 10
Ctrl + W Used to clear the current playlist
Ctrl + Y Used to save the created playlist
Ctrl + O Used to reset subtitle scale in VLC Player
Ctrl + Mouse scroll up Used to scale down through subtitle texts in VLC Player
Ctrl + Mouse scroll down Used to scale up through subtitle texts in VLC Player
H Used to increase the subtitle delay in VLC Player
G Used to decrease the subtitle delay in VLC Player
Alt + V Used to cycle subtitles backwards in VLC Player
V Used to cycle subtitle track in VLC Player
Shift + V Used to control the subtitle function in VLC Player


Twenty Most Essential VLC Keyboard Shortcut Keys Users Must Know

VLC player hotkeys: The topmost twenty essential VLC Player Keyboard Shortcut Keys users must know right now are compiled below:

Keys used Function
F Used to switch the VLC Media Player to full-screen mode
Esc Used to exit the full-screen mode of VLC Media Player
Ctrl + Up Arrow Key Used to increase the VLC Media Player volume by 5%
Ctrl + Down Arrow Key Used to decrease the VLC Media Player volume by 5%
Spacebar Used to pause or play the selected content in VLC Media Player
V Used for VLC Media Player subtitles shortcuts
B Used to select an audio track in VLC Media Player
Mouse Right Click Used as a shortcut to open the local menu which includes play or pause controls, audio or videos in VLC Media Player
Mouse scroll up or down Used to adjust the volume of the selected content or position in the VLC Media Player
T Used to display the time remaining or time elapsed
The plus or minus keys Used to play the selected media faster or slower
S Used to stop playing the current media
P Used to play the previous item in the queued media list
N Used to play the next item in the queued media list
E Used to watch the selected content frame by frame
Ctrl + H Used to toggle the control display
M Used to mute or unmute the selected content
z Used to change the zoom mode of the selected content
Ctrl + Left Arrow Key Used to skip one minute into the selected content from the current position
Ctrl + Right Arrow Key Used to rewind one minute from the current position

Conclusion on VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut keys have a varied range of benefits for users of all ages. It makes work much smoother and straightforward by avoiding unnecessary computation steps and processes. It decreases processing time and makes the output crisp and precise while maintaining the quality of the work.

Using Shortcut Keys can help individuals related to technology or those employed in the industrial or technical sectors better at their job. They help regulate workflow and get the task done much faster than the general computation method.

The VLC shortcut keys help users navigate and use the VLC Media Player according to their wishes and avoid using a mouse.