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C Puzzles and Tricky Questions
C Puzzles
- C program to print hello world without using semicolon.
- C program to round of floating point number to nearest integer.
- C program to find execution time of a program in seconds
- C program to print numbers from 1 to N without using semicolon
- C program to implement your own itoa function
- C program to count digits of a number using logarithms
- C program to check if a given number is a power of 2 in single statement
- C program to print a 2D matrix row wise without using curly braces
- C program to convert any number to string in one line
- How to create your own header file in C
- C program to multiply a number with 7 using bitwise operator
- C program to reverse the digits of a number in just three statements
- C program to swap two variable using XOR bitwise operator
- C program to sum the digits of a number in single statement
- C program to check whether a number is in a range [min, max].
- C program to print a long variable using putchar function only
- C Program to count trailing zeros of a number using bitwise operator
- C program to check whether a number is odd or even without using if else statement
- How to take a multiline paragraph as input from user.
- C program to print memory representation of a C variables
- C program to implement your own sizeof operator
- C program to read a password string from user
- C program to print digits of a number in words without using if-else and switch case
- C Program to print numbers from 1 to N without using loops
- C program to return multiple values from a function