We cannot access members of a structure directly in any expression by specifying their name alone.
There are two ways to access structure members
Using Member Access Operator(.) or Dot Operator
For Example
We can access the member age of employee structure variable employee_one as:
struct employee { char name[100]; int age; float salary; char department[50]; } employee_one = {"Jack", 30, 1234.5, "Sales"}; int age = employee_one.age;
Using Member Structure Pointer Operator or Arrow Operator(->)
Structure pointer operator or Arrow operator is used to access members of structure using pointer variable. When we have pointer to a structure variable, then we can access member variable by using pointer variable followed by an arrow operator and then the name of the member variable.
For Example
struct employee { char name[100]; int age; float salary; char department[50]; } employee_one = {"Jack", 30, 1234.5, "Sales"}; struct employee *ptr = &employee_one; int age = ptr->age;
C Program to print the members of a structure using dot and arrow operators
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> struct employee { char name[100]; int age; float salary; char department[50]; }; int main(){ struct employee employee_one, *ptr; printf("Enter Name, Age, Salary and Department of Employee\n"); scanf("%s %d %f %s", &employee_one.name, &employee_one.age, &employee_one.salary, &employee_one.department); /* Printing structure members using dot operator */ printf("Employee Details\n"); printf(" Name : %s\n Age : %d\n Salary = %f\n Dept : %s\n", employee_one.name, employee_one.age, employee_one.salary, employee_one.department); /* Printing structure members using arrow operator */ ptr = &employee_one; printf("\nEmployee Details\n"); printf(" Name : %s\n Age : %d\n Salary = %f\n Dept : %s\n", ptr->name, ptr->age, ptr->salary, ptr->department); getch(); return 0; }
Enter Name, Age, Salary and Department of Employee Jack 30 1234.5 Sales Employee Details Name : Jack Age : 30 Salary = 1234.500000 Dept : Sales Employee Details Name : Jack Age : 30 Salary = 1234.500000 Dept : Sales