C Program to Read an Amount and Find Number of Notes

  • Write a C program to accept an amount and find number of notes.

Required Knowledge

Starting from the highest denomination note, we will try to accommodate as many notes possible.
For example, let amount is A and current note is N, then number of notes is A/N and remaining amount is A%N.Let’s say A = 450 and N = 100, then number of 100 notes is 450/100 = 4 and remaining amount is 450%100 = 50.

We will repeat this process for all notes in decreasing order.

C program to accept an amount and find number of notes

C Program to Read an Amount and Find Number of Notes

 * C program to accept an amount and count number of notes 
#include <stdio.h>  
int main() {  
    int number, i;
    int notes[7] = {1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1};
    int noteCounter[7] = {0};  
     * Take a number as input from user 
    printf("Enter a Number\n");  
    scanf("%d", &number);  
    for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        if(number >= notes[i]){
            noteCounter[i] = number/notes[i];
            number = number - noteCounter[i]*notes[i];
    /* Print notes */
    printf("Currency   Count\n");
    for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
        if(noteCounter[i] != 0){
            printf("%d   %d\n", notes[i], noteCounter[i]);
    return 0;  


Enter a Number
Currency   Count
500   1
100   3
50   1
10   1
1    3