Print ascii value in c – C Program to Print ASCII Value of a Character

  • Write a c program to print ASCII Value of a characters.

A character in C programming language is stored as a particular integer in memory location. The integer value corresponding to a character is know as it’s ASCII value. For Example, the ASCII value of ‘A’ is 65. A character and it’s ASCII value can be used interchangeably. That’s why we can perform all arithmetic operations on characters line ‘A’ + 3, ‘A’/4 etc. If any expression contains a character then it’s corresponding ASCII value is used in expression. When we store a character in a variable of data type char, the ASCII value of character is stored instead of that character itself.

C program to print the ASCII value of a character

Print ascii value in c: In this program, we take a character as input from user and prints the ASCII value of input character %d format specifier.

C program to print the ASCII value of a character

 *  C Program to print ASCII value of a character
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
    char c;
    printf("Enter a Character\n");
    /*Prints the ASCII value of character as integer */
    printf("ASCII value of %c = %d",c,c);
    return 0;

Program Output

Enter a Character
ASCII value of A = 65

C program to print the ASCII value of all alphabets

Ascii values in c: The ASCII value of alphabets are consecutive natural numbers. If we increment the ASCII value of ‘C’, we will get the ASCII value of ‘D’. In this program, we will print the ASCII value of lower and upper-case alphabets using for loop.

C program to print the ASCII value of all alphabets

* C program to display character from A to Z and 
* their ASCII values using loop 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 26; i++){
       printf("%c = %d   |   %c = %d \n",'A'+i,'A'+i,'a'+i,'a'+i);
    return 0;

Program Output

A = 65   |   a = 97 
B = 66   |   b = 98 
C = 67   |   c = 99 
D = 68   |   d = 100 
E = 69   |   e = 101 
F = 70   |   f = 102 
G = 71   |   g = 103 
H = 72   |   h = 104 
I = 73   |   i = 105 
J = 74   |   j = 106 
K = 75   |   k = 107 
L = 76   |   l = 108 
M = 77   |   m = 109 
N = 78   |   n = 110 
O = 79   |   o = 111 
P = 80   |   p = 112 
Q = 81   |   q = 113 
R = 82   |   r = 114 
S = 83   |   s = 115 
T = 84   |   t = 116 
U = 85   |   u = 117 
V = 86   |   v = 118 
W = 87   |   w = 119 
X = 88   |   x = 120 
Y = 89   |   y = 121 
Z = 90   |   z = 122