Basic Electronics Notes: Some basic electronic concepts govern many electronic devices around us. Students should have a sound understanding of these concepts to help them make the most out of their semester and course. Students can download basic electronic notes here and start building up their understanding and insights on the vast field of electronics. This subject comprises both basic and advanced concepts which might seem complex at first. But with the help of these lecture notes and regular practice, students can increase their understanding of basic electronics.
Notes available for download are free of cost. Download links for the notes are given below. Also, you will find solutions to any of your further queries. We recommend getting your notes from a reliable source that is accurate and effective. These foundational concepts will lay the groundwork for your advanced studies and applications. For further details click on the links given below-
- About Basic Electronics Notes
- Basic electronic Notes/Study material download links
- Reference Books for Basic electronics
- Basic Electronics syllabus
- Basic electronics problems
- Frequently Asked Question
- Conclusion
Introduction to Basic Electronics Notes
Basic electronics is the branch of engineering which deals with the practical application of electrical components and their use in electrical circuits, logic systems, communication systems and other fields. Basic electronics looks at the basic concepts of Voltage, Current, Resistance, capacitance, etc. from a practical point of view. It gives us insight as to how electrical circuits around us work.
We are covered with electrical circuits from our circuit boards to electrical appliances, from communication systems to artificial intelligence, the applications are ever-increasing, and in the near future when demand for more complex electrical systems arises, the need for complex minds to fulfill will increase at an equally faster rate. This study material, therefore, is helping to create innovators of tomorrow that will bring about the positive change in our use of electrical machines.
Basic Electronics Notes/Study Material Download links
Given below is the list of download links to all the notes available. These study materials have helped many before you. You can grab your pdf free of cost and start your preparations. All of these notes/study materials are reliable and also include previous years’ question papers for reference. These are created to help students to give them an equal opportunity in this competitive age, and you can use them to your advantage. These notes are highly recommended by students who have gone through them and also teachers.
- Basic Electronics Notes pdf
- Basic Electronics Study material
- Basic Electronics handwritten notes
- Basic Electronics Previous year Question papers pdf
- Basic Electronics Sample question papers pdf
Reference Books for Basic Electronics
Books are rightly your best friends. These are informational resources written by people with years of experience. But even then finding the right book for your use can be a challenging task. So given below is a list of suggested readings students can go through to get a better understanding of the concepts and an in-depth analysis of the same. These books are recommended according to the course guidelines that surely have everything you need to get your doubts cleared. Effective use of these books is bound to take you a long way. Experts verify all of these books for accuracy and reliability, so you need not worry about it.
Students can refer to these books anytime. It is advisable to consult newer editions of the books mentioned to be in touch with the changing courses. The list is in no particular order, and professors and students highly recommend all these books.
- Getting Started in Electronics – Forrest.M.Mims
- Make electronics – Learning by Discovery (2nd edition) by Charles Platt.
- Self-teaching guide: All new electronics – Harry Kybett and Earl Boysen
- Practical electronics for inventors – Paul Scherz
- The Art of Electronics – Paul Horowitz & Winfield Hill (3rd edition)
- Encyclopedia of Electronic components VOLUME 1
- Electronics: All in one for dummies
- Understanding basic electronics – 2nd edition
Basic Electronics syllabus
Basic electronics is a vast field in itself. The syllabus prescribed to the students is well diversified and includes both theoretical and application-based concepts. It is designed keeping in mind the changing times and the demands of the industry. Students need to be well aware of the syllabus, which will help them in planning their preparations and prioritizing tasks accordingly. The syllabus might feel overwhelming, but with the notes provided in the pdf and consistent efforts, you can manage it.
The syllabus is broadly divided into six modules to cover the entire topic and give the students a proper understanding of the concepts.
MODULE 1:- Basics Of Semiconductor | Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors- crystal structure, Fermi Dirac function, Fermi level, Energy band diagrams, valence band, conduction band, and band gap; intrinsic, and extrinsic ( p-type and n-type) semiconductors, the position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, drift and diffusion current – expression only ( no derivation), mass action law, charge neutrality in semiconductor, Einstein relationship in a semiconductor. |
MODULE 2:- P-N Junction Diode And Its Applications | p-n junction formation and depletion region, energy band diagram of a p-n junction at equilibrium and barrier energy, the built-in potential at the p-n junction, energy band diagram and current through the p-n junction at forward and reverse bias, Static and Dynamic resistance of Diode, Transition capacitance and diffusion capacitance, V-I characteristics and current expression of a diode, temperature dependencies of V-I characteristics of the diode, p-n junction breakdown – conditions, avalanche and Zener breakdown, Concept of Junction capacitance, Zener diode and characteristics. Diode half-wave and full-wave rectifiers (centre tapped and bridge) circuits and operation (IDC, Irms, VDc, Vrms), ripple factor without filter, efficiency, PIV, TUF; Reduction of ac ripples using filter circuit (Qualitative analysis); Design of diode clipper and clamper circuit – explanation with an example, application of Zener diode in the regulator circuit. |
MODULE 3:- Bipolar Junction Transistor | Concept of “Transistor”, Formation of PNP/NPN Transistors, energy band diagram, current conduction mechanism, CE, CB, CC configurations, static transistor characteristics in CE, CB and CC Syllabus for 1 st year Autonomous curriculum 2018 mode, junction biasing condition for active, saturation and cut-off modes, current gain α, β and γ, early effect. Biasing and bias stability; biasing circuits – fixed bias; voltage divider bias; collector to base bias, D.C. load line and Quiescent point, calculation of stability factors for different biasing circuits. BJT as an amplifier and as a switch – Graphical analysis. |
MODULE 4:- Field Effect Transistor | Concept of “field effect”, Classification of FETs-JFET, MOSFET, operating principle of JFET. Drain and transfer characteristics of JFET (n-channel and p-channel), CS, CG, CD configurations, Relation between JFET parameters. FET as an amplifier and as a switch– graphical analysis. E-MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel), D-MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel). |
MODULE 5:- Feedback | Concept of feedback with block diagram, positive and negative feedback, gain with feedback. Feedback topologies; the effect of feedback on input and output impedance; distortion; the concept of oscillation and Barkhausen criterion. |
MODULE 6:- Operational Amplifiers | electrical equivalent circuit, ideal characteristics, non-ideal characteristics of op-amp – offset voltages; bias current; offset current; Slew rate; CMRR and bandwidth, Configuration of inverting and non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp, the closed-loop voltage gain of inverting and noninverting amplifier, Concept of virtual ground, Applications op-amp – summing amplifier; differential amplifier; voltage follower; basic differentiator and integrator. |
Basic Electronics Problems
These are sample theoretical problems from Basic Electronics and are commonly asked in examinations and interviews to check the basic concepts of the students. It is recommended to prepare these questions if you are going to sit for an examination or an interview.
- What is Electronics?
- What is a transistor?
- What is a diode?
- What is latch-up?
- Explain the principle of a microwave.
- Define Power rating?
- Differentiate between conductor and inductors.
- Comment on uses of Semiconductors
- What are active and passive components?
- What is a resistor?
- What is a capacitor?
- Explain the practical and ideal voltage source.
Frequently Asked Question on Basic Electronics Notes
Question 1
What is a Semiconductor?
Semiconductors are materials that have conductivity falling between a conductor like metals and an insulator like glass. Semiconductors occur as pure elements and also in the form of compounds. Some common semiconductors are- Silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc. A small amount of impurity is added to pure semiconductors to obtain certain desired conductivity; this process is called doping.
Semiconductors are commonly used in the manufacturing of common electrical circuit parts like – transistors, diodes, etc. Due to their power efficiency, low cost and reliability semiconductors have a wide application range from use in TVs, radios, medical devices and many more.
Question 2
Explain the term Electronics engineering.
Electronics engineering is a field of engineering dedicated towards the use of components to make digital and analog circuits, electrical devices like transistors, diodes, etc. and is designing complex systems. It is used basically in all electronic devices and in building logic circuits, communication devices, electrical devices, artificial intelligence and robotics.
It’s often confused with electrical engineering, but it works with low current voltage. Electrical engineering works with the concepts of electricity and electromagnetism. Electronics engineering, on the other hand, deals with the applications of electronics devices and electrical systems.
Question 3.
What are some common electrical components found in electrical devices?
An electrical circuit consists of certain components. Depending upon the complexity of the electrical system, the type of the system and its application, these components vary. Some common components are-
- Resistors: It is an electrical component with two terminals, and its main function is to provide resistance to the flow of current in the circuit. It is widely used in heating appliances.
- Capacitor: Capacitor is 2 terminal components used to store potential energy in the form of charge. The property to store charge is measured in terms of Farad and is called capacitance.
- Transistor: It is a 3 terminal semiconductor device used in amplification or switching of a signal.
- Diode- It is a unidirectional semiconductor device with a positive and a negative terminal
Question 4.
Comment on “Charge”.
A charge is very much like gravity. As gravity is described as a force between 2 masses that can be felt, in early experiments, the charge was described as a force that exists between 2 bodies and is exerted during certain electrical conditions.
A charge is measured in Coulombs named after the French engineer Charles Augustin Coulomb who first discovered and measured force between two charged bodies. The charge is conserved, which means it can neither be destroyed nor created, but it can be neutralised. Charge exists as a positive and negative charge.
Electronics engineering is a vast and practical field. It’s very imperative for students to be well versed with the important concepts and their applications. Also, the subject offers many career options and specializations students can opt for. The study material and notes provided in this article are a good starting point for anyone looking to build their knowledge in this field.