Advanced operating system pdf – Advanced Operating System Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

Advanced Operating System PDF: Students who are looking to get hold of the advanced Operating System pdf can access the best notes, Advanced Concepts In Operating Systems Pdf Free Download and reference sources for their preparation of revision from this article.

The article Advanced Operating System pdf or Aos notes pdf provides students with reliable and credible notes and study material that enhances the understanding and knowledge of students. With more knowledge about the topics, students can improve their performance and score excellent marks. Students can access and download the Advanced Operating System Notes pdf according to the latest syllabus from this article for free. Students can refer to the Big Data Lecture Notes For CSE as per the latest and updated syllabus from this article.

The Advanced Operating System Notes offers students a head start on their preparation because they can access the latest and best study material. They have access to the latest syllabus, reference books from the experts and list of all the important questions.

Students can download and access the Advance Operating System Notes pdfs, Advanced Concepts In Operating Systems Pdf, reference books and other sources of reference from this article and better their preparation approach with the latest and updated study resources to secure the best grades.

Introduction to Advanced Operating System

Advanced operating system pdf: An advanced Operating System refers to the System that deals with hardware and software that are part of the computer.

Advanced Operating System PDF Free Download

Students who are pursuing Computer Science can access and refer to the Advanced Operating System Notes and Study Material available in this article. The article on Advanced Operating System Pdf aims at helping students better and enhance their understanding of Advanced Operating Systems. Students can score the best marks using the Advanced Operating System Notes and Study Material.

Aspirants can download and access the study material and notes for free from this article and use these reference material when they are preparing for their examination or revising.  The use and utilisation of the Advanced Operating System Notes and Study Material will help candidates get a better hunch of all the concepts and topics. Here is a list of a few vital notes on Advanced Operating System course programme for a thorough preparation:

  • Advanced Operating System Notes PDF
  • Advanced Operating System PDF Handwritten Notes
  • Advanced Operating System Notes PPT
  • Advanced Operating System Question Paper
  • Advanced Operating Systems Pdf
  • Operating System Handwritten Notes Pdf
  • Advanced Operating System Notes For Mtech
  • Advance Operating System Pdf
  • Operating System Notes Pdf For Mca
  • Advanced Operating System Books
  • Advanced Operating Systems Notes
  • Operating System Material
  • Operating System Notes Handwritten

Advanced Operating System Reference Books

Reference books are one of the best sources of study material. These books contain all the important information and have well-researched data. Students should refer to the Advanced Operating System Reference Books when they start their preparation for their examination. This article on Advanced Operating System pdf provides students with the best and latest Advanced Operating System Reference Books according to the recommendations of the experts.

Students can access and refer to the article to refer or read through Advanced Operating System Reference Books and other sources when they are preparing for their examination.

The list of the best and most recommended books for the Advanced Operating System course programme are as follows. Students must choose a book which meets their knowledge and interests and prepare accordingly.

  • Modern operating systems written by Andrew S. (2001)
  • Operating system: a design-oriented approach written by Charles Crowley (1996)
  • The operating system: a concept-based approach written by D M Dhamdhere (2007)
  • Operating System Concepts (2012)
  • The Operating Systems- Internals and Design Principles (2011)

Advanced Operating System Updated Syllabus

The syllabus is the most important part of a subject. Syllabus is the best tool which helps students structure, organise and schedule their preparation process. The best and most effective way to enhance and improve preparation is holding an initial idea and overview of the Advanced Operating System Syllabus.

The Advanced Operating System course curriculum offers students a brief aides of what to study and how to prepare. The article on Advanced Operating System pdf provides a detailed overview of the curriculum, taking into consideration every student’s requirements and needs.

The unit-wise categorisation of the syllabus highlights all the essential topics under each unit so that students can allot time to each topic and prepare accordingly. Students must ensure that they cover all the topics before they attempt the Advanced Operating System exam and remain aware of the topics to prevent wasting unnecessary time on irrelevant and redundant topics and ensure that they are able to answer the question paper easily.

The updated unit-wise division of the Advanced Operating System is as follows:

Unit I

  • Introduction to Operating System
  • Types of Operating System
  • Operating Systems concepts
  • Operating Systems services
  • Introduction to System Call
  • System Call Types

Unit II

  • Process Management
  • Process concept
  • The process
  • Process State Diagram
  • Process control block
  • Process Scheduling
  • Scheduling Queues
  • Schedulers
  • Operations on Processes
  • Interprocess communication
  • Threading issues
  • Scheduling
  • Basic Concepts
  • Scheduling criteria
  • Scheduling algorithms

Unit III:

  • Memory management
  • Swapping
  • Contiguous memory allocation
  • Paging
  • Structure of the page table
  • Segmentation
  • Virtual memory management
  • Virtual memory
  • Demand paging
  • Page-replacement algorithms
  • Thrashing

Unit IV:

  • Concurrency
  • Process synchronisation
  • The critical selection problem
  • Synchronisation hardware
  • Semaphores
  • Classic problems of synchronisation
  • Monitors
  • Synchronisation examples
  • Principle of deadlock
  • System model
  • Deadlock characterisation
  • Deadlock prevention
  • Detection and avoidance
  • Recovery from deadlock

Unit V:

  • File System Interface – concept of a file
  • Access methods
  • Directory structure
  • File system mounting
  • File sharing
  • Protection
  • File System implementation
  • File system structure
  • Allocation methods
  • Free-space management
  • Mass structure overview
  • Mass storage structure
  • Disk scheduling
  • Device drivers

Unit VI:

  • Linux system – components
  • Interprocess communication
  • Synchronisation
  • Interrupt
  • Exception
  • System call
  • Android Software Platform
  • Android Architecture
  • Operating System Services
  • Android Runtime Application Development
  • Application Structure
  • Application Process Management

List of Advanced Operating System Important Questions

Students pursuing Computer Science as their course programme can read through the list of important questions from the list below for the Advanced Operating System programme. All the review questions in the list below aim at helping students excel in their examination.

  1. Name the major activities of an OS with respect to process management. Also briefly explain why each is required.
  2. What is thrashing? What are its causes? What is the process of a system detecting thrashing? How can the system eliminate thrashing?
  3. What is Deadlock and write a short note on Deadlock Detection scheme for several instances of a resource type.
  4. Write a short note about thread libraries.
  5. What do we mean by virtual memory? What are the various benefits and demerits of virtual memory techniques?
  6. What is a critical selection problem? What are the conditions that a solution to the critical section problem must satisfy?
  7. List the major advantages and disadvantages of different structures.
  8. Explain the three methods of allocation in file system implementation along with a suitable diagram.
  9. What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock to indeed hold? Mention the solutions to this problem, as well.
  10. Explain the various components of an operating system structure. Explain the simple and layered approach to operating systems in detail.

FAQ’s on Advanced Operating System Notes

Question 1.
What is Advanced Operating System?

An advanced Operating System refers to the System that deals with hardware and software that are part of the computer.

Question 2.
What are the various study material available for students to download from this article on Advanced Operating System pdf?

In the above article, we have provided various study materials for Advanced Operating System. This includes good reference books, the curriculum and important questions. These will be enough to prepare well for Advanced Operating System study.

Question 3.
Name some of the best and most recommended reference books for Advanced Operating System?

Here are some of the best and most recommended reference books for Advanced Operating System:

Modern operating systems written nu Andrew S. (2001)
Operating system: a design-oriented approach written by Charles Crowley (1996)
The operating system: a concept-based approach written by D M Dhamdhere (2007)
Operating System Concepts (2012)
The Operating Systems- Internals and Design Principles (2011)

Question 4.
List out some of the important questions from the Advanced Operating System?

Here are some of the important questions from Advanced Operating System:

Name the major activities of an OS with respect to process management. Also briefly explain why each is required.
What is thrashing? What are its causes? What is the process of a system detecting thrashing? How can the system eliminate thrashing?
What is Deadlock and write a short note Deadlock Detection scheme for several instances of a resource type.
Write a short note about thread libraries.
What do we mean by virtual memory? What are the various benefits and demerits of virtual memory techniques?
What is a critical selection problem? What are the conditions that a solution to the critical selection problem must satisfy?
List the major advantages and disadvantages of different structures.


The article on Advanced Operating System pdf is a credible and reliable source of reference and list of reference books sources of study material in the artcell above aim at enhancing and improving the student’s knowledge and comprehension of the subject during their preparations. Students can refer to the provided Advanced Operating System Notes and Study Material, refer to the expert-recommem=nded Books, and practice the list of all the important questions from the article.

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